The aforementioned proposal during the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra. PC: Chris Manwaring
Runner: Chris Manwaring
Race Date: 02/01/2025
Location: Hale Education Center, Westwood, MA
Result: 90 miles completed within the 30-hour race cutoff (95 miles ran total) placing 5th overall!
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
The course: Three 5-mile loops, each with their own personality- red, white, and blue. The red loop was the most technical. The white loop covered the mountain bike trail section of the course, and had the steepest climbs. The blue loop was the flattest one with lots of time running right beside the water, which also meant it received the most wind.
The food: So many great food options offered throughout the whole time, both hot and cold.
Witnessing a proposal! Friends Patrick and Kim got engaged on the first loop, a year after they first met at this race in 2024!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I really enjoyed the views throughout the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra course! (Makes all the difference when you’re running it for 30 hours!) The red loop had a really nice high point that I reached at sunset, making for a special experience. I felt like I managed my layers well throughout the night, managing to stay warm but sweat minimally.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Definitely experiment and practice with a variety of layers in training! Go for runs with the intention of under-layering to see what it feels like to be cold, as well as intentionally over-layer to see what too warm feels like. This will help during the race when the temperatures drop so that you can identify when to start adding different layers to keep body temperature equilibrium. Also, it will help you better identify when you are too warm and sweaty out there, so that you can shed a layer when needed before soaking your clothes (and getting chilled).
Chris (right) during the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra. PC: Chris Manwaring
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Something I learned from this race was the importance of consuming extra calories for body heat production. There were a couple times I came into the aid station feeling a little chillier than I should’ve, and what really helped me out was putting down an extra few hundred calories.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The warmth of the lodge is so tempting! It is really easy to lose time in there, especially since you see it every 5 miles. I made a mantra for myself “I can be warm when I’m done” which helped minimize my thaw time inside.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
It is a really great course for scenery, with each loop having their own highlights! The red loop has a great high point that is perfect for catching sunrise and/or sunset! The white loop takes on some of the mountain biking trails, and the blue loop had lots of lakeside beach running!
Chris smiling ahead of running over 90 miles at the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra. PC: Chris Manwaring
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
It’s definitely New England trail running, and 100 miles of the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra course will net you over 12,000 feet of vert! An added challenge is the winter conditions, which can make the course turn into an ice rink, or a snow drift, or a mud pit… you get the idea.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
The race directors were good with communication between pre-race emails and Facebook group posts. The course marking crew gave a few trail condition updates in the days and hours leading up the race which was super helpful!
Chris enjoying the warmth of the aid station lodge mid-race.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
The field is decent in my opinion. Only 100 entrants are allowed to start the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra, and not everybody is there to go for a buckle which is okay! There were lots of folks having great times going for their own different distance and time goals. I believe only about 12 of us were still on the course come sunrise, so expect nighttime to get lonely!
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Registration opens less than six months in advance, and with the limited field size, generally fills up within the first few days. The waitlist does move along though, so patience is key! Folks that are from out of town, there are hotels and lodging in the general area.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There is a single aid station inside the lodge accessible after each 5 mile loop. There were so so many food options, both hot and cold. My favorite hot options were the grilled pickle and cheese sandwiches, as well as the chocolate peanut butter stuffed waffles! My favorite cold options were the moon pies and PB&J sandwiches!
Weather and typical race conditions
Historically, the weather has been all over the place… the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra handbook says it best: “Historically, February in Westwood has an average low of 20°F and high of 39°F, but this is New England and anything can happen so BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST! In 2023, it was about -20 degrees (about -30 degrees with the wind chill) at the start and 40 degrees by the end of the race. In 2022, Old Man Winter dropped 2 feet of snow on us race weekend. We postponed the race to the following weekend, and then experienced slush storms in the days leading up to the race (our poor course marking crew…), which then froze into an ice rink on race day. In 2019 and 2024, we had crisp winter weekends, with little to no snow on the ground. Anything can happen.”
Chris’ race swag, including the coveted “kiss me” rock!PC: Chris Manwaring
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
Traction needs to be prioritized! There are lots of different traction options out there, be sure to practice beforehand and bring extra pairs! I saw lots of broken/snapped/destroyed traction devices were out there. Also, bring as much warm clothing and layers as you can! The night is long and cold, and a variety of options are the key to success!
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Only race volunteers are allowed inside the lodge, but there is field space right across the street for tents and such. There was a bonfire going all day Saturday until about 2 am Sunday morning, so either invite your really hardy friends or just ask them to volunteer instead! 🙂
How’s the Swag?
Swag was cool! Finishing a minimum of 30 miles earns you a finisher medal cookie, beanie, and sticker. As “Last Horse in the Barn” I also received a small yeti and the white loop’s “kiss me” rock.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5 stars!
For an unpredictable, wintry, icy, “choose your own adventure” ultra, this race nailed it! This event is quite a unique experience, and if it appeals to you as you read this, I highly recommend the TARCtic Frozen Yeti 30-hour Ultra! (Remember, you don’t have to go for the full 30 hours).
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Taking in the views: Sunrise hits at about the time that you reach the first ocean cliffs and it lights up the course beautifully.
Challenge: This is very typically a lot of people’s (including myself) last ultra for the season. The year has been long and the generalized fatigue is real. The mental well isn’t quite as deep as it was back in May. It is an objectively challenging course as it is, but made even harder by its timing when overall burnout is at its highest.
Volunteers: So many folks turn out to make the Bold Coast Bash 50K happen and they are the best!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I did well balancing my running and hiking ratios. I knew I could string together longer running sections (~15-20 strides each) on the inland single track, and made sure to take advantage of that before having the break it up with a half dozen hiking strides to navigate a technical section. Then I’d hit another more runnable section and repeat this sequence. This was an area I identified last year as needing improvement, as I was more apt to just straight hike those sections, which led to me timing out at mile 22 and DNFing.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
The Bold Coast Bash 50K is a 3 lap course with time limits for each. Racers have 6.5 hours to finish their first two laps, for an average of 3.25 hour laps. The total time cut off is 10.5 hours, so if you come in around 6.5 hours for the first 2 laps, you have 4 hours to complete the final one.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Being confident with starting out my race feeling a little cold was a big lesson this race. With the temps starting at ~30 degrees and projected to climb into the 40s before I would finish my first lap, I knew if I started warm and comfortable, I’d be too sweaty and hot midway through the lap. I ended up starting with shorts, a t-shirt, light gloves and sun sleeves on, and although I was cold for the first 20 minutes, the next two and a half hours I was moving and keeping a comfortable temperature.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
It is classic New England technical terrain. Generally folks move faster on the single track inland versus on the rocks and cliffs along the water. The course follows a figure-8 pattern so it’ll end up alternating single track/cliff sections.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Without a doubt! I think one of the biggest draws of this course is just how beautiful it is. The single track trail winds through some wonderful woods, and the coastal route takes you inches from the edge of steep cliffs with endless ocean views. On the southern end of the course, the buoy moored offshore from a nearby lighthouse can be heard clanging in the distance. The waves crashing against the rocks and cliffs become familiar sounds, fading into just a soft rush as you run along the stony beaches. It is a remote and gorgeous place that I’ve heard described as a “wilder, quieter Acadia”.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
The Bold Coast Bash 50K course is deceptively tough. There is about 1700 ft of elevation per 10.5 mile lap. It is constant PUDs (pointless ups and downs) with lots and lots of roots and rocks like any New England technical trail would have. With such variation in the ground underfoot, it is difficult to fall into a cadence or rhythm. This race has a decent DNF rate for its distance for a reason!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
The race is extremely well run. Eric, the race director (RD), does a really great job of ensuring efficient infrastructure around the start/finish line and aid station and recruits countless volunteers to help out. Course marking is fantastic: it’s reassuringly difficult to get lost and wander off a cliff!
Gorgeous views Chris saw during the Bold Coast Bash 50K.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
The competitive field is pretty good for a race in northern Maine! The Bold Coast Bash 50K attracts plenty of fast local runners as well as folks from farther away.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
This is a high demand race with limited spots! Registration generally opens August 1st on UltraSignup: the 10.5 mile fun run option generally sells out within a few hours, and the 50K distance generally sells out within a few days. Waitlists are long but can also move quickly! In terms of lodging, the race offers a limited number of racers to camp about 600 ft up the road from the start/finish line which is a blast! I would recommend bringing extra blankets and hoping for a clear sky because the stars pop out there! It is usually split with some folks out in tents (like me!) and others in vans and things like that. The closest Airbnbs are about a half hour away from the start/finish line in either Machias or Lubec if one prefers!
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There is a single aid station located at the start/finish line accessible between laps. It is well stocked with plenty of options, including gluten free and vegan item. That said, generally hot food isn’t ready until after one finishes their second lap. Runners are encouraged to bring a food item for the aid station to share with fellow competitors. Electrolytes this year were packets of LMNT that the aid station volunteers were great about mixing in my flask for me. My personal favorite offering this year was the venison chili, although it was almost as good as the bear meat chili featured at last year’s race.
Weather and typical race conditions
It’s November in northern Maine… expect basically anything. This year the race started off at about 30 degrees and rising up to the mid 40s, but dry! Prior years have seen snow and ice, lots of mud, and summer conditions.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
If particularly cold conditions present themselves on race day, additional items are added to the required gear list. Otherwise, a strong pair of trail runners that performs well in/on mud, ice, and wet rock are essential!
Chris midway through the Bold Coast Bash 50K.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
The start/finish line (and aid station) is the best spot to see runners coming in on laps. The course is also open to the public during the race, so spectators could hike part of the course to try and see their runner.
How’s the Swag?
Swag is great! Eric, the RD, does a really great job finding cool non-t-shirt swag and mixes it up every year! This year we received reflective vests, last year quarter zips, and the year prior fleece blankets!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5 stars for an unparalleled course in terms of scenery, a challenging technical day, and with lots of friendly Mainers volunteering!
Result: 5 hours and 15 minutes (including a 35 minute 50K PB en route!)
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
1. Race feel: Friendly events team and well-organized.
2. Scenery: Gorgeous sights throughout (even when the weather wasn’t playing ball!)
3. Beginner friendly: Glen Ogle 33 would be a great first ultra or for someone trying to push quite hard. There is some elevation, but not what you’d call ‘hilly’.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
For my liking, there was a little bit too much tarmac as I have been used to running a lot more trails. At the same time, the tarmac and lack of technical trails probably makes this race really good for people as their first ultra.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
The squirrel (or beaver) that helps you cross the road on the way to pick up your drop bag is pretty unique (and weird)! With the event being around Halloween, there are always a few folk that are fully dressed up, making for a fun and memorable atmosphere.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
Having transitioned to running much longer races, I liked the shorter duration (only” 33 miles!) and actually enjoyed being challenged by some speed work! While there was still 3000ft of climbing, it was much flatter and more runnable than I’m used to. As it was my last ‘official’ race of the year, I decided to try and go at it as hard as I could, which included running all of the first (four-mile) hill!
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Even if it is colder, ensure your hydration is still on point. I probably didn’t take quite enough, which may have led to some cramping.
Tempo work is important to do in training! Very runnable races (just like this) might have you running at relatively high intensities for quite a long time: you need to train for this!
Go for it! I wanted to push hard, and while I probably pushed even harder than that, resulting in some cramping later, it meant that I now know exactly where I am at and what I need to work on next. I recommend using this experience and you performance as data for understanding what you can then improve on.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
1. Speed and tempo work are important when training for shorter ultras. 2. Keep up hydration as if it were a warm day; the extra effort on race day makes fluid loss greater. 3. Strength work is also important; stronger muscles means less relative strain on them. 4. Hill work is ace in training, making any hill in races easy (well, easier)!
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Shoe choice is important! The Glen Ogle 33 race course favors more of a road shoe than a trail shoe. In fact, a lot of the people did wear road shoes, while I went for a super cushioned trail shoe.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Very! The course makes its way up a glen with lots of colorful autumn leaves. The photos tell the story. This is of course unless the weather closes in, which it very well could at this time of the year.
Some of the very runnable trails throughout Glen Ogle 33.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Hard to answer – but I would say not really. The elevation is moderate (about 3000 ft) and most of the course is quite runnable with no technical terrain. That said, for a first ultra it is in the “tough enough” bracket!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Glen Ogle 33 is very well organized by Rocket Events. They put on a lot of events in Scotland: it’s not their first rodeo!
David Taylor before racing the Glen Ogle 33.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
The field has a big mix of running abilities, but at the sharp end it looked pretty competitive with the first finisher finishing the 33-mile course in 3 hours and 36 minutes. The final finisher ran just under 9 hours, while the rest of the ~300 racers crossed the finish in between.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
I didn’t enter Glen Ogle 33 till a couple of months before the event and there were still plenty of spaces remaining. The race is withing driving distance of both Glasgow and Edinburgh, and there is quite a lot of accommodation available nearby.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There were 5 aid stations in total with one of them including a drop bag at around the halfway point.
Weather and typical race conditions
It was cool, between 7-11 degrees Celsius (45-52 degrees Fahrenheit) and dry for my race = pretty much perfect conditions. That said, for future years it could be much different – it’s November in Scotland after all!
David Taylor smiling his way through the 33-mile race.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
There was only a fairly basic kit list. Only thing I’d recommend would be wearing the most comfortable shoes that you can (rather than an especially grippy and hard core trail shoe) as there is a decent amount of tarmac throughout Glen Ogle 33.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Unfortunately, not really. Spectators can catch up with you around the halfway point and at the end.
How’s the Swag?
Pretty good! Finishers received a t-shirt, finishers medal and a goody bag with juice, chips, sweets and the very awesome Rockets Events beer!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5/5 for a relatively short, beginner-friendly, well organized ultra!
Team RunRun Coach David Taylor is based in Glasgow, UK. He specializes in trails and ultras for both beginner and intermediate runners, whether you’re just bumping up in distance or looking to improve your next trail race,
Matt Anthony completing the Pumpkin Butt 50K with his pumpkin in hand!
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Race size and feel: The Pumpkin Butt 50K was a small race with really wonderful people, which made it feel more like a fancy group run.
The difficulty: This course was hard! Going 5 times up and over the top of the mountain, with super rocky, “stair-step” trails, required me to dig deep early on not to drop out when I had the chance at the end of each loop!
It was weird! You were required to carry a pumpkin on one lap, spinning a “wheel of misfortune” at the aid station.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
None – the “bad” parts were well advertised!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Carrying the pumpkin? Or for folks not from around here, all the cannon and signs commemorating this civil war battle would’ve seemed pretty strange!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I managed my fueling well, taking in about 1900 calories between aid station food (grilled cheese, quesadilla, PB&J), gels (Huma and Veloforte coffee gels) and my secret weapon, those two packs of mini pancakes from Costco! Mentally, I was also pretty strong: the uphills got challenging and it was truly a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other situation.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
The Pumpkin Butt 50K is a “quad killer”, so practice running road downhills hard! Each loop, there is a 1.5 mile road downhill, as well as gnarly, rocky downhills, lots of not-designed-for-running super rocky trails, and by the end each “step” was a killer.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Be aware of the rockiness and vert of 1/3 of the route.
Putting the pumpkins in the Pumpkin Butt 50K!
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Yes! You can see Atlanta in the distance while running through trees in a forest.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
I’d say!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
For sure, it’s organized and well-run. This was the Pumpkin Butt 50K’s 20th year, so they have know how to put on a great event!
Competition – Is there a strong field?
I was 14 out of 17, so I’m not sure that this question applies to me!
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
To run the Pumpkin Butt 50K, you have to be a member of GUTS, the Georgia Ultra Trail Association, but if you are, it’s free! Yep, the Pumpkin Butt 50K is a FREE RACE!
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There was tons of food with lots of variety: clearly planned by an ultrarunner!
Weather and typical race conditions
A bit hotter than usual, probably a low of 60 degrees and a high of 75. It was foggy and overcast most of the day; when the sun did break out, it was blazing.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
A (small) pumpkin!
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Yes, you share the trail with lots of other runners, walkers, etc, so people can see you and join you anywhere on the course. At the aid station at the start/finish of each loop, there was a bit of a party that would be fun for spectators to hang out at too.
How’s the Swag?
It’s a FREE RACE! So there was no swag, but I did win an nice GUTS t-shirt for completing my pumpkin lap!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5! I definitely recommend the Pumpkin Butt 50K!
Matt Anthony is a Team RunRun-coached athlete. If you’re looking for a coach, check out our directory of excellent TRR coaches here! You can browse by budget, goals, location, or level. For each coach, read real runner reviews plus learn more about the coach’s history, philosophy, and publications.
Result: 4:45:44; 7th place in age category, 8th woman overall
Jennifer scrambling down one of the Stoked Scramble 25K climbs. PC: Bruno Long
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Scenery: This being my hometown, I have nothing but amazing things to say about the mountains around Revelstoke. The views, most often, are just incredible! Unfortunately, on this particular day, the weather did not cooperate. While there were certainly beautiful vistas to be seen during the run (though moody), it wasn’t as spectacular if it were a clear day. However, I did enjoy the different perspective!
Adventure: The title of this race, Stoked Scramble, alludes to some of the terrain that you might encounter (i.e., a scramble). This was a no fall zone and they had RMR patrol there to assist in helping runners navigate the section. The race also included a rope assisted descent where you felt like you were in Mission Impossible running down the side of a skyscraper.
Community (volunteers/runners/staff): Since much of this course is in the alpine, it was not accessible for most spectators (especially on a bad weather day like we had). The other runners and the volunteers made up for it. Everyone seemed so stoked and completely in awe of the adventure we were having!
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Some of the bests listed above are also the other side of the coin to some non-ideal situations:
1. While some people love it, I myself am not super comfortable with exposure when scrambling. We were running along a ridge and looking over the edge that definitely brought on some vertigo. Other runners were running along the ridges and down the scramble sections like they were on a flat trail. As mentioned, there was a definite “no fall zone” that had a lot of runners terrified.
2. Thought will have to be given to the rope section next year. With the area being so steep, you cannot simply allow runners to run down, as they would drop rocks on the heads of people below. There was an absolute hero of a volunteer manning the rope, and helping people down 1 by 1 (or 2 by 2 if they were comfortable with the section). The unfortunate result of this was that a bottle neck formed at the rope descent. While I only had to wait about 20-25 minutes, later runners ended up waiting an hour. In the snow. A few runners decided against waiting that long and simply took the DNF. Others who continued were chasing the cut-off. Not ideal. There can be a change expected next year to avoid this situation.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Snow in August?! On this day, that is exactly what we got. That’s mountain running for you! Pounding snow, hail, wind, rain, and finally…sun. The Stoked Scramble fell on day 2 of the stage race. On day 1, the weather was so hot runners ended up getting heat stroke. A wild contrast!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I did not really have a goal going into this race except to have a good, hard effort in a race environment.
The First Climb:
The beginning of the Stoked Scramble 25K is the climb up the non-technical cat track road before you arrive at Kokanee Ridge. My goal was to power-hike most of this section to save my legs for later in the race, but also getting my HR up since this was the shorter of the races and I knew I wouldn’t be out there all day. Despite not knowing if I wanted to start with poles until 5 seconds before the race went off, this section was uneventful. I was able to chat with other runners heading up, and it was just a good feeling beginning to the race.
The Scramble/Ridge:
My mantra for this section, being uncomfortable with exposure/heights, was “forward motion”. If I didn’t stop, and didn’t look down, it’d be over before I knew it. This was exactly how it went and while I didn’t love this part, I was proud of myself for getting it done quickly. I actually loved the ridge section for the community aspect. It was an out and back area so we were crossing paths with other runners heading back and we were able to give high 5’s and cheer each other on.
The Rope Descent:
Despite the negative of waiting 20+ mins in line at this section, I LOVED IT! It was so fun to be running down a suuuuuper steep grade without worrying about falling. You could really lean into it.
Sub-Peak Loop:
This is when the snow was at its worst. Even though the ground was clear, it felt like the depths of winter. Again, I actually kind of loved it. After climbing out of Kokanee Bowl, my HR got up again and I began to warm up. Running through the snow made me feel like I could manage the effort.
Jennifer descending Mackenzie Ridge during the Stoked Scramble 25K. PC: Bruno Long
The Descent:
After climbing out of the bowl and during sub-peak loop, I noticed that there was another female runner right behind me. This lit a bit of a fire (I’m much better as the prey than the predator). I knew the mountain bike trails heading to the finish line pretty well, and the plan was to just let loose as much as I could on the descent and hopefully not have the runner right behind me pass.
Basically, I ran scared to the end of the Stoked Scramble 25K. The sun came out and I was still in my jacket and starting to sweat at this point. I really did not want to stop just to lose my spot. So for the last 4 miles to the finish, I ran as hard as I could! I was very happy with this finish: not only did she not pass me, I widened the gap and passed 4 other runners on the descent.
Non-Race Highlights:
I love this race. I have been a volunteer both last year, and this year (on the non-running days), and it is such a joy to be a part of it. Jacob is a race director who really cares about all the staff/volunteers/runners, and is very generous to everyone. He truly wants this race to be an adventure and to have runners build life-long memories and friendships here.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Pack everything that is suggested in the race guide/at the pre-race briefing! Many runners got too cold and could not continue. You can’t anticipate everything, so it is better to be prepared.
Have a plan for your poles, if you decide to use them, and practice it before hand! I stowed my poles in a quiver over the scramble section but on my way back, the start of the scramble looked like a pole graveyard as people just left them behind to do the out and back.
Bring gloves regardless of temperatures! The rope is so much easier to use if you aren’t worried about rope burn.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Watch the promotional videos before-hand (or search for race reports)! I didn’t quite understand what the terrain would be like until a day or two before the race. Not ideal!
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The most important thing is knowing you are going into an alpine environment, and the things that you can expect: sudden changes in weather, bears and other wildlife, etc.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Gorgeous! It is running through the remote alpine of the Selkirks, both on and adjacent to the Revelstoke Mountain Resort ski hill, a hill that boasts the longest vertical descent of any ski hill in North America. While the views weren’t exactly clear on the Saturday, they were still stunning.
Sights of the remote alpine Selkirks during the Stoked Scramble 25K.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Yes and no. By the numbers, the Stoked Scramble 25K does not look that uninviting. It is 25K (15.5 miles), with around 1650m (~5400 ft) of elevation gain/descent.
The first 3 miles of the course is a climb up a cat-track road. The grade is fairly gentle and undulating with ups and downs. Around 3.5 miles you turn off onto a narrower trail to climb up to the ridge. Here it gets much steeper, and much rockier, but not overly technical. Approaching Kokanee ridge is where the challenging terrain begins, with the aforementioned scramble section. Once you complete the scramble, you are running out-and-back along the ridge. This was harder than it seemed. There is no set trail in this section, so you ended up running across “meadows” that were anything but flat. This was actually where I found to be at greatest risk of an ankle roll.
Once you complete this out-and-back, you retrace your steps over the scramble section, and then make your way to the rope assisted descent. Some people struggled with the rope, others flew down it, but it is very steep. Once at the bottle, you travel across more trail-less meadows and then climb right back up the other side. This was again, very steep with either poles, or hands and feet climbing. Following this section you head over the McKenzie Ridge where the a well-developed trail system is in place. After a bit more mild exposure on the sub-peak loop, it is nothing but buttery mountain bike trails heading down to the finish.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
The Transelkirks Run is an event run by the company TransRockies Race Series, who are well practiced in putting on races. The RD, Jacob Puzey, and his team do an amazing job of putting on this logistically challenging race. This was the first year that day two had four separate races happening at once (the half and full 3-day stage race event, the Stoked Scramble 25K, and the Stoked Ultra). Having many more people this year navigating the rope section caused the bottle-neck that I don’t think could have been predicted. Despite this hiccup, everything else was run very smoothly.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Absolutely. While there aren’t any names that would be recognized globally, there are silent crushers who threw down astonishing times.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
There isn’t much to do here but go and sign up for the Stoked Scramble 25K here! They have tiered pricing so you save by committing earlier. When it gets closer to the race, it will more than likely sell out. If you want the easiest access lodging, book the resort hotel and then just roll out of bed to the start line. One thing to be aware of is that there will often be other tournaments in town that weekend, so while there should be enough space for everyone, you might not get your first choice if you book later.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
The aid stations are top notch and the volunteers are amazing! Especially the station at the top of the chair-lift exposed to the pounding snow and rain. There is the usual fare at the aid stations: chips, pretzels, watermelon, pickles, PB&J sandwiches, oranges, gummy candy, M&Ms, soda, electrolyte, water, Xact nutrition bars, cookies, etc. On Day 1 we also had Tater Boost join at an aid station to make samples for the runners. Oh, and Fireball!
Weather and typical race conditions
It could be gorgeous and sunny. It could be snowing. We had it all this year. Mountain conditions can change at the drop of a hat, so these swings might even occur on the same day. Typically, weather in mid-August is lovely.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
I was happy to have poles for this event, even though it was only 25K. I felt like it helped save my legs for the downhill. Bring a pair of cheap, throwaway gloves if the rope descent is a part of the course in future years.
Jennifer’s Stoked Scramble 25K wooden medal.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Unfortunately, no. The start and finish line are at the top of the gondola, so family/friends could make their way up there to cheer you on as you depart and as you cross the finish line. They could certainly do some hiking to get to other areas to cheer, which would be beautiful, but not easily accessible.
How’s the Swag?
Wonderful! Entrants received an Adidas Terrex long sleeved zip up T-shirt, a very pretty wooden medal and dinner that evening at the resort.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
For this year, I’d probably give the Stoked Scramble 25K an 8/10 simply due to the bottle-neck incident. If it had been smooth sailing, this race deserves a 10 for sure!
As a side note: The TransRockies 6-day stage race will have its final event in 2025, while more effort will be put into Transelkirks and The Golden Ultra. If you are looking for a North American stage race, come check it out!
Jennifer Kozak is a coach with Team RunRun who knows how to balance training with family, on both the roads and the trails. Jenn works with athlete of all abilities, from those dipping their toes in trail races or tackling new goals on the roads, from the 5k up to the marathon.
Team RunRunner Chris Manwaring at the finish of the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail 100 miler!
Chris and his crew during the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail race.
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Course: I liked that it gave me an opportunity to traverse Massachusetts in a supported fashion. The course included going over the summit of Wachusett, which was extra memorable for me as I was able to see my family mid-race at the aid station at the base.
Scenery: Running through all the foliage made the miles go by quick!
Crew: My crew kept a steady stream of corny pirate jokes throughout the race which was a hilarious.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
The aid station offerings were limited in their range, but I brought enough of my own food to make up for it. If you’re looking for a mid-race buffet, don’t count on the aid stations!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
This was my first race with wave starts, so when signing up for the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail 100 six months ago it was a challenge trying to guess what my race day pace would be. I ended up being initially placed in a faster wave than I was expecting, but emailed the race directors and was able to move my start time back. The weird factor comes with trying to guess your ultra race pace before you’ve started training for it! Wave starts in ultras are also pretty weird.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I felt consistently strong and steady out there. Usually, I hit a low point or bonk for several miles at some point, but my crew and pacers were fantastic about making sure I was taking in enough food, water and electrolytes to avoid this. My uphill climbing felt solid, and I was able to efficiently powerwalk the road sections and actively recover a bit before the next trail section. Meeting new people and seeing familiar faces made for an amazing race experience as well!
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Work both the mountain and road sections! There is enough road on the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail course that it matters. Personally, I used the roads as active recovery and power walked it, but met plenty of other runners that used those miles to push the pace and bank some time. Make sure to have a plan for how you’ll tackle the different sections.
The 100 mile course is a mix of road and trail.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie make everything right again in the world! Also, there is rarely a time that a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich will not hit the spot. In future, I will definitely be packing more of these foods, plus others I particularly prefer, for crewed aid stations instead of solely relying on aid station offerings.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The biggest insider info that helped me was knowing that 2/3rds of the total elevation for the course was in the first 30 miles! Also, there are 13 road miles in the last 30 miles of the course. There is a lot of time, space and smooth terrain in the second half that you can make up time on if you find yourself further back than expected.
Lots of course insights are available here, including GPX files, pacing calculators and tips, and course breakdowns. And be warned, the race is closer to 103 miles than 100!
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
The course was beautiful this year! The Fall foliage is popping and we had excellent weather – a completely dry Saturday, zero cloud cover overnight so we could see all the stars, an intensely red/orange sunrise on Sunday (and a rainbow!) and only a little sprinkle Sunday morning!
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
It’s a rugged route! The trails are classic New England technical with all the roots, rocks and piles of acorns trying to take you down. 2/3rds of the elevation is in the first 30 miles, so it’s slower going at the start but the terrain does let up a bit for the second half!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
The Midstate Massive Ultra Trail races felt pretty well run! Email responses were prompt prior to the race and the finish line and amenities stayed up until every runner came through!
Chris Manwaring and the beautiful scenery during the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail 100 miler.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
There were lots of really great runners out there! Alongside the Midstate Massive Ultra Trail 100, there were 50 and 30 mile options too, attracting a pretty strong field this year.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
The aid station food list was published prior to the race, listing exactly what would be available at each. There were about 4-8 different food options, which was a little more limited than what I was accustomed to for an ultra race. However, I just packed more food for myself to take at crewed aid stations to make sure I was able to meet all my nutritional needs.
Chris’ Midstate Massive Ultra Trail 100 mile belt buckle.
Weather and typical race conditions
Perfect weather this weekend! Ideal New England fall conditions – dry and 60s during the day, dropped to high 30s overnight (even saw frost!!), and only sprinkled a little bit Sunday morning following a perfect rainbow and sunrise!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
Make sure you have grippy footwear! Even when the course is dry, the fallen leaves and acorns on the ground make for some slick surfaces.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Several of the aid stations are crew accessible, making for a good excuse to see your friends!
How’s the Swag?
Great and unique to other races! The buckle is really cool, of course, and each finisher also received a beanie, ceramic mug and a long sleeve.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5 stars! It was a great time of year to run, super cool to be able to traverse Massachusetts on foot, plus a great race vibe!
Race: Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile – The race report Team RunRun didn’t know we were missing!
Runner: Chris Manwaring
Chris hitting the peak athletic pose while chugging his last beer during the beer mile.
Race Date: 10/06/2024
Location: Conway, NH
Result: 12 minutes 54 seconds
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Beer! The offering was Lawson’s Little Sip, a 6.2% IPA, graciously left in the sun all day to improve consumability.
Participants: There was a solid group of competitors in the mix, including folks crewing the ultra racers (like me), folks just in town for the day, and a few ultra racers that had dropped out earlier in the day but wanted to squeeze a little more torture into their weekend!
Spectators: We drew a very decent crowd, mostly consisting of ultra race volunteers and racer crew members that wanted to see what all the noise was about.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Hearing all the vomit stories after the mile had finished, but I guess I signed up for this too!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
I mean, it’s a beer mile… I think having to dodge around puke spots on the course while trying not to acknowledge that it’s puke because then your stomach might turn against you?
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
Just being out there and running with friends old and new is always enjoyable. Extra camaraderie comes from patting each other on the back to free a stuck burp. One highlight was talking a little trash around lap 3 when you know everyone feels awful. My race prep worked, which consisted of drinking lots of water that morning beforehand and stopping eating of food about 2 hours before the race to keep an empty-ish stomach. However, as can be expected, four beers on an empty stomach hit hard after I was done!
Lots of camaraderie at Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile!
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Walk the last dozen or so steps into the end of the laps. You want your heart rate and breathing rate especially to settle a little bit before chugging to avoid feeling like you’re waterboarding yourself. Also, warm beer goes down easier than cold beer! Lastly, get some good burps in right before you run!
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
I burp better while running than when I am standing still (who knew?!). I wasted a little time on the first lap trying to force a burp before running.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile had two different laps, each run twice to make up the 1 mile distance. The odd and even laps are different routes and distances. The even laps are like .15 and the odd laps are like .35. It’s a cross country course all on trail and field, very New England single track.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Gorgeous course! (And the weather was perfect too!)
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Depends on how much you like chugging beer and listening to people dry heave around you!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile was about as well organized as a beer mile can get!
Chris Manwaring ahead of Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
For a beer mile, the field was strong! The winner run 7:40 (yep, that’s 1 mile plus chugging 4 beers in under 8 minutes!) and there were lots of strong chuggers overall.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
It’s easy to register through UltraSignup link under the Bubba’s Backyard Ultra page.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
Alcoholic beer options, nonalcoholic beer options and seltzers also available.
Weather and typical race conditions
Rest assured, Bubba’s Backyard Ultra Beer Mile will be held rain or shine! So be prepared for all course conditions from dry to muddy and everywhere in between.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
Just a strong stomach, a decent pair of trail shoes and good time intentions. Unless you’re planning on being there until sunset, a designate driver is also a must!
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Absolutely! Perfect spots available to watch everyone attempt to keep the beers down! This race also happens during lap 28 of the backyard ultra race, which makes for a great excuse for everyone to hang out before and afterwards cheering on the ultra competitors as they race against the clock. A good number of the participants were involved in the ultra in some fashion, either as a crew, volunteer or racer. There were also plenty of opportunities to get out before or after the beer mile (if you’re like me and want to try running hammered) and run a loop of the ultra course as well.
How’s the Swag?
Swag choices were a pick between either a roll of the infamous Bubba’s pink duck tape or a bag of freshly ground White Mountain Ski Company coffee. Obviously, I picked the duck tape.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5 stars! I will certainly do this race again, probably aim for a sub 10?! Might have to practice a bit first.
by Chris Manwaring
Interested in tackling the mile distance (with or without the beer)? Check out” Tips for Running a Mile“.
Dandelion Dilluvio-Scott ahead of Teanaway Country 100 mile race. PC: Damien Scott
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Terrain and vert: This race is coined “the hardest hundred you’ve never heard of” by Brian Morrison (RD) in Ultra Running Magazine and it lives up to its reputation. This course includes 31,000 feet of ascent/descent over challenging terrain. Rocks, roots, steep grades (up 35% at times) and exposure make for gnarly and truly memorable adventure! I think the only flat section was the first and last 10 feet! If you didn’t think 100 miles was hard enough, this race will have you questioning yourself for sure!
Location: The Teanaway region of the Cascades Range of WA is a specular area and holds significance to me personally. I first began my journey as an adventure/ultra runner in Washington State. For several years, I spent a great deal of time training on these trails and completed multiple summit link-ups in the Teanaway Mountains. It was special to re-visit this place after several years away.
Athletes: I vastly enjoyed sharing miles with this group of runners. Despite being keenly aware of the grueling task in front of us, the field was highly enthusiastic about the grand and arduous adventure we were embarking on together. It was a privilege to run with this hardy group of athletes.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Nothing, I truly don’t have anything negative to say.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
The fact that the course has so much vert and somehow doesn’t go over a single summit!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
In all 100-mile events, the decisions made early in the race will have an impact during the later miles. Having great respect for the difficulty of this course, I approached the event with resolute determination to stay within my pacing strategy and meticulously take care of my body especially during the first half of the event. In a race with countless variables, I focused on controlling the one thing in my control: myself.
My resolve was tested almost immediately after the gun went off. I departed the start at the very front of the pack. However, as we began to run up the dirt road switchbacks leading to Sasse Ridge I fell back. Coming from high altitude, running uphill at this low elevation was significantly easier than my training grounds. It was certainly enticing to trot up the road at a brisk pace with the leaders. However, the plan my coach and I discussed did not include running hills this early. I transitioned to power hiking and ignored what everyone else was doing.
This pattern continued throughout the race. It was tempting to stray from the strategy sometimes, especially when it meant parting ways from good company. However, I had complete faith in the process and stayed the course. To clarify, I am not suggesting that the tactics of other runners were wrong; their pacing just wasn’t right for me.
Conquering the heart of the race
Dandelion’s bib and finisher buckle. PC: Dandelion Dilluvio-Scott
During 200+ mile events poor decision making or being overly rushed in the beginning of a race has amplified consequences. Even though the Washington Mountains are nothing like Arizona, and Teanaway Country 100 is less than half the distance, I applied lessons I learned from running Cocodona 250 earlier in the year. The high vert and grueling terrain of Teanaway allows less room for error, much like a 200. Therefore, I had to be as thorough with my nutrition, hydration and electrolytes as I was with my pacing.
Throughout the race, I was proactively eating between aid stations as usual. I consumed so many gels that my hands were as sticky as a two-year old’s! I also departed aid stations with my mouth stuffed with perogies or a stack of quesadillas in hand. Typically, I consume very little solid food in an 100-miler but with so much hiking (like in a 200) I knew my stomach could handle it. I stayed on top of fluid intake as well and almost always found myself draining the last of my water just as I arrived at an aid station.
Additionally, I was so on top of salt intake that my fingers remained normal sized (I typically get behind and end up with swollen digits a few times). In mid-afternoon, I paused to throw water on myself at creeks to cool my body down. My water filter came into use during this time too, allowing me to consume more fluid without carrying the extra weight of more water bottles. These steps during the hottest part of the day warded off excess stress on my body.
Halfway down, halfway to go…
Preserving my physiology allowed me to be competitive on the return. Five female athletes heading in the opposite direction passed me as I neared the turn around point. I calculated that I was within striking distance and could move up a few spots if I continued to be calculated. My legs were by no means fresh, but they were functioning well. Mentally I felt extremely alert and motivated to move up in the field. Throughout the night, I continued running steadily forward allowing my pace to become less conservative as the miles ticked on. I knew I had passed at least one female, but I was unsure if I passed others at aid stations or if someone had snuck by me when I was having my bottles filled. It didn’t really matter though as I fervently worked to create a gap and capitalize on my strengths.
Around mile 65 I found myself completely alone. From here to the finish, I was passed by one male and later I passed a different male. I saw no runners at aid stations. In the past, during the later stages of the race, it’s been easy for me to settle in and relax into a comfortable pace. This time things were different. I had no idea if the females behind me was one minute back or an hour back. I was equally clueless about the women in front of me. There was no visibility in the thick evergreens either, so no matter how many times I looked over my shoulder or strained my neck to look uphill all I saw was a wall of green.
The final push
The unknown of my positioning drove me to fight. I was hunting and the hunted at the same time The climbing and descending was relentless, but I was equally relentless… and then I arrived at the final descent.
Last year during Run Rabbit Run 100, I looked down at a similar 6 miles dirt road winding down to the finish. Poor hydration and electrolyte imbalance had caused my quads to give out during that race, leaving me walking painfully for most of that last descent. I was acutely aware from the beginning that the condition of my quads would highly impact my performance during Teanaway Country 100. It’s 31,000ft up and DOWN! I gazed below at the next switchback and saw no one. I looked behind me along the ridge. Still no one. Then I charged down the hill. My splits got faster as I surged forward. My legs absorbed the impact without even a hint of grumbling.
Preserving my quads throughout 31,000ft of descent so that I could run this final hill was a mini goal of mine that motivated me throughout the race. In that final decline I felt redemption and it motivated me to kick harder with each stride. The miles ticked by seemingly without effort. I floated down the hill in some surreal state and then there it was: the finish line. I crossed at a sprint… and then couldn’t make it a few more meters to a chair without help! It was only then that I discovered that my focus on the process had led me to my best performance in a 100-miler: 3rd female!
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Everyone focuses on the 31,000ft of climbing… but what goes up must also come back down. The eccentric pounding from 31,000ft of descent is just as crucial to prepare for!
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
More than anything, this race reinforced that you never know where you are in the pack so it’s always worth fighting until the end. I’ve struggled with this in the past, and I hope that when I feel myself relaxing near the end of a race in the future, I remember Teanaway and push just a bit harder to catch the runner in front of me and gap the runner behind me.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
While Teanaway Country 100 is an out and back, your perception of the course will change on the return. It’s a good idea to mentally prepare for this in advance and think of it as a new trail to avoid frustration… or laugh at the contrast! For example, mile 6.5-15.5 of the race breezed by when I was fresh. This same section felt very different on the turn-around when they were miles 85-94. I kept wondering if all the downed trees I was scrambling over were there at the beginning of the race! I didn’t recall there being so many. Instead of letting it get to me, I literally laughed out loud every time I teetered over a log like a new-born giraffe… the same logs I had simply stepped over the day before!
For more information on Teanaway Country 100, click here.
Teanaway Country 100 course.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Yes! These course takes athletes to the high country where vistas abound including remarkable views of Mount Rainier and Mount Stuart. Below tree-line the dense (and mercilessly steep) evergreen forests are beautiful, lush and green. The colors of the deciduous plants and trees are also transforming to their autumn palette of yellow, gold, orange and red tones making the scenery extra magnificent.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Absolutely! This course is likely in the top three most difficult 100-mile courses in North America. Aggressive grades, 31,000ft up/down and highly technical terrain. The only difficulty variable Teanaway does not have is high altitude.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
This event is extremely well organized. Brian and Andrea are top notch RDs!
Competition – Is there a strong field?
YES! The runners that attempt this race are notably tenacious, resilient and gritty. There were no elite names this year, but the front of the pack clearly came to play. I was looking over my shoulder the entire back half!
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Historically, Teanaway Country 100 race field hasn’t filled, but I do suggest committing early because training for a race of this caliber takes a lot of time. In order to qualify, you need to complete a 50-mile trail race within a prescribed timeframe or any 100-mile trail race. Additionally, 8 hours of volunteer trail maintenance is required.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
All aid stations had standard fare with a focus on GU brand products for both nutrition and hydration. There was also an assortment of candy, chips, cookies and other snacks. Later in the day and into the evening hot options included perogies, quesadillas, grilled cheese, mashed potatoes, scrambled egg wraps and other hot options. The volunteers were extremely enthusiastic, helpful and knew how to assist struggling runners.
Weather and typical race conditions
September is a bit of a wild card month in the Cascades. The weather can be sunny, cool and delightfully mild… or there can be a snow or rainstorm with plummeting temperatures… or it can be mercilessly hot! In 2024, the weather was mostly mild (60-70s) though it did feel rather warm in the afternoon with no cloud or tree cover. Night temperatures were in the 40s.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
I highly recommend using poles for this event. Also, practice your nutrition plan with the poles in hand. Squeezing a gel into your mouth while a holding a pole is a skill!
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
A majority of this race is remote and access is along forest service roads. Crew-able aid stations can be reached in most vehicles with careful driving. Note that Beverly Aid requires about a 1-mile walk-in. The start/finish is very accessible with ample parking.
How’s the Swag?
All starters receive a t-shirt and Feetures socks. Finishers are awarded a buckle with carved wood details. Personally, I love the wolf logo!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
10/10 (if you love a gritty mountain race with endless vert!)
Dandelion Dilluvio-Scott is a multisport outdoor athlete, ultra-runner and certified coach. She is passionate about collaborating with driven athletes who love to explore, train and play outside.
Keith Laverty racing his way to a 3rd-place finish at the Olympic Mountains 100K. PC: Takao Suzuki
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
There was just an intangible feel-good vibe of this whole event and community! The race directors and volunteers of the Olympic Mountains 100K were super caring.
The course traversed the serene and classic PNW magical forest. I also liked that it wasn’t just two 50K loops or multiple loops. While the were a couple of repeated sections, we were running in opposite directions so it seemed different. About 20% of the course was on forest road, which nicely broke things up from the trail and allowed you to open up your stride!
The free camping at Race HQ was easy, convenient!
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
During the Mt. Zion climb around Miles 54-55ish, the top 2 runners seemed to have unintentionally cut the course, covering less distance and descending/climbing. I’d estimate this resulted in shaving off between ~8-12 minutes. With me running in 3rd, the gap to the 2nd-place runner grew by a much larger margin than expected when I arrived to the final aid station at Mile 59, which felt deflating and confusing in the moment. Ultimately, I really don’t think it would’ve changed our overall placings in the end, but the times would’ve been a lot closer for the podium positions. The race director did a great job in considering all of this information seriously and professionally with no disqualifications/changes but to ensure more course flagging in one section for next year.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Keep things weird, right?! I can’t think of anything about the Olympic Mountains 100K that was super weird, although there was some course marking tampering along the Royal Creek Trail section, which was a bummer in the moment and caused a little confusion between me and another runner, and we unintentionally cut off about 0.1-0.2 miles from the course as a result. However, this only affected the top 3 of us who went through, and another volunteer was able to quickly re-mark the trail and intersections before the rest of the runners came through!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I think I did a better job than usual for a longer ultra outing with both my mindset and physical durability. I never had too many major mental lows, with the exception of halfway up the Dirty Face Ridge climb in the midday heat when my heart rate was beginning to spike!
I also decided to work together with the eventual 2nd-place finisher, Julien, for the first 42 miles, so having someone else to key off helped to keep a relatively honest effort. French is his primary language, and my French doesn’t extend much further than “bonjour”, so there wasn’t a whole lot of chatter, which was all good with me anyway!
Opting for a pacer for the final 5 miles of the Olympic Mountains 100K starting from the last aid station was a great decision! My friend and fellow TRR coach, Alexa Carr, helped me keep to an honest and steady pace to the finish with our goal of “protect the podium”!
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Sodium! I thought I had been taking enough sodium/electrolytes, certainly better than I usually do for a mid-summer ultra, but I still underestimated my effort and the conditions, cramping twice in the 2nd half of the race. I was able to recover from both instances very well though by consuming a few more sodium capsules and Precision Fuel & Hydration 1000mg tabs in my flasks.
Personally, I know I’ve still not optimized my pace strategy for the 100K distance: it’s either too fast or too conservative. In hindsight, perhaps I could have pressed *slightly* harder in the 1st half to reduce my gap to the race leader.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The two longest and steepest climbs come at Mile 42 going up Dirty Face Ridge (15-20% grade!) toward Mt. Townsend, and then at Mile 53 going up the steeper approach toward Mt. Zion. So save some energy (if you can) for those climbs! Both have aid stations right before climbing, which is a prime spot to stock up and get a morale boost from the volunteers before taking on the challenges ahead.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
While a lot of the course isn’t allowed to go into the higher alpine areas of the Olympic Mountains (and no races are allowed in national parks), I still felt this was a very pretty and majestic course. Picture glitters of sun rays shining in the green, majestic forests, smooth singletrack winding along rivers, views of the mountains and several wooden foot bridges to cross.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
The Olympic Mountains 100K has over 14,000 feet of climbing (most of that in the 2nd half!) that makes for a tough course in my book!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Besides the incidences with the course markings, everything else was very well-run including the pre-race communications. The post-race atmosphere was great too with lots of hot food options, cold drinks and even a free post-race massage by Monsters of Massage (clutch for recovery!).
Competition – Is there a strong field?
While the Olympic Mountains 100K did not have a huge field relative to other ultras, it was still plenty competitive up front! I think the prize purse for the top 3 ($500/250/125) helped attract some speedier competitors.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
Standard fare but well-stocked at the primary aid stations. I was also able to take ice with me, which was an immense relief. One aid station was even offering up Fireball shots!
There were also two “water only” minimal aid stations but even those ones had more nutrition and other items on hand than I was expecting.
Weather and typical race conditions
This event used to be held in mid-September but it’s now been moved back to mid-August as of this year. So expect more daylight hours and hotter temps. That said, we lucked out this year with highs in the low-to-mid 70’s that felt relatively comfortable. The lightning and thunderstorms late into the evening was an anomaly though!
Olympic Mountains 100K finisher chair
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
This could be a great course to break out the trekking poles, especially in the 2nd half of the course. I would recommend picking these up at the Mile 42 aid station. And then the usual for a Summer ultra: sun block, sun glasses and hat.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
The Olympic Mountains 100K is a remote, mountain ultra, so that always makes it harder for spectating, but there are three crew-access aid stations. Otherwise, Race HQ had a lot of folks and several families who had camped out or made a weekend of it since this is now a 2-day event with three distance options (100k, 50k, 25k).
How’s the Swag?
Overall, lots of great swag and additional items to purchase too. For my 3rd-place finish, I also received $125 in cash, plus a quality camping chair with the race logo on it—which I should mention features a goat doing some “OM” meditation practice : ) (see picture to the right)
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
4.5 out of 5 stars! This was the first year for the Olympic Mountains 100K and only the 2nd year under the new race directors. They went above and beyond to ensure a quality race experience and they have some exciting things in store for this event in the years to come! I’m sure it’ll only get better from here!
Keith Laverty is a Seattle-based coach with Team RunRun. Whether you are heading towards your first 5k or – like Keith – in your ninth year of ultras, Keith will design a custom training plan based on your goals, lifestyle, skills, and needs.
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
The Course – Absolutely stunning views throughout. Plenty of climbing and descending to make you work for it, but there were moments where I paused to look out into a valley from a high point and just soaked it all in.
The Wave Start – It seems like a silly thing to put in my top 3, but when I did the first year of the Nice 50k, there were no waves and 1500+ people had to narrow down to a single staircase in the first mile, and it was clogged up for 10+ miles. They started us in 3 waves with 15 minutes between each wave and I never felt super crowded. The most crowded was the first climb up to Champex Lac, then it was spread out enough to where I felt like I could run my own pace.
The Finish – Chamonix knows how to celebrate its runners, whether it’s the 1st or the last, or like me, a total mid-packer who’s just trying to run a respectable race for what my mind and body are capable of. That last kilometer through town was pretty magical, with strangers cheering me on, giving me high fives, and making me feel celebrated all the way until the finish under that iconic arch.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Starting line bathrooms – they just need more of them. When we got off the buses, there were about 10 flushing toilets before we walked about a half mile into town, to the starting line, so I used those bathrooms after the 90 minute shuttle ride and there wasn’t a line for them.
Once in town, there were 4 porta potties for 1500+ runners and portable urinals for men, with a long line snaking through town. I found a bathroom in a tea/coffee shop near the start that only a few runners had found, so score one for me!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Maybe not weird, but I’m not sure why UTMB doesn’t list a couple of the aid stations along the course as actual aid stations. On the course profile, it shows no water between km 7.6 and 24.3, so over 16km (10 miles) without water. I carried 3 bottles out of Champex Lac at 7.6km, but there was a clear aid station at La Giete at 12km. I just wish I’d known about it so I didn’t carry so much water! At least I saved time and walked right through it.
Also a little weird, a little funny, is that there are cows grazing all along spots along the course, with their cow bells tolling all day long, so it sounds like you’re coming up on an aid station, which is always a little boost in morale. I fell for the cow bells a couple times, thinking I was close to a secret aid station or a group of people cheering us on, only to round the bend or pop out of the woods and see…a group of cows, hahaha.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I felt like I conserved my energy well enough that I still had legs for the climb up Flegere. Unfortunately my stomach was having none of it, so my legs didn’t quite have as much fun as they wanted up that climb.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Have a snack for sitting around before the start. We got there at 6:30am with an 8:15 start, plenty of time to eat a snack and hit up a toilet!
Try to be near the front of your wave start, it’s way less clogged on the climbs.
There are water “troughs”/fountains near all the towns. Use them – dip your arms, head, hat, anything you can to stay cool.
The first 7.6km to Champex Lac go fairly fast, as the first 4km are mainly roads heading out of town and/or wide paths. You can run most of that 4k, so don’t take the polls out just yet and quickly walk the steep stuff and run the rest.
Champex Lac typically has flushing toilets right after exiting the aid station, so if you need to go, that’s the place!
It’s super runnable for a few miles heading out of Champex Lac, either on the road or a nice wide path. Enjoy!
We had lots of water crossings on the climb up to the Giete aid station. Use them if it’s hot. I put my hat in each one and kept trying to cool my core on the climb. The morning sun was heating up at that point.
Lots of day hikers and/or TMBers in this section who didn’t look super pleased for a race to be happening. Be sure to thank them for letting you run by!
Be sure to take care of any needs at Trient. It felt like the majority of people starting feeling some effects of the miles, the elevation change, and the heat at that point. The section from Trient to Col de Balme is 10k and it’s a looooong 10k. Flushing toilets here too just before the aid station.
The first part of the climb out of Trient is tucked into dense vegetation, it was hot and muggy and people started showing wear and tear at that point. The more you can just keep moving, the better. It has some of the steepest stuff on the course.
There’s a medical station just over halfway in this section, then it’s a more gradual up, BUT, quite a bit more rocky at first, so be patient, as it gets more runnable as you head into the final kilometer to the aid station.
You can see and hear the Col de Balme aid station for a long time before you get there, try to have patience and just focus on making forward progress. Despair was palpable in this section from Trient to Col de Balme.
Enjoy the smooth, runnable downhill from Col to Chalets de Balme before a little bump up, then a bombing, steep downhill into Le Tour. It felt steeper than it looked on paper.
There is no aid at Le Tour, but it’s a great crew spot to give you a boost in morale with cheering and seeing family/friends.
If you still have legs, you can run much of the trail between Le Tour and Argentiere. There are small rollers here.
Like Trient, take care of necessary business in Argentiere before heading up to Flegere, the climb will feel longer than you expect.
For the climb up and down Flegere, it’s longer and harder than you think it will be and than it looks on paper. Just keep moving, keep eating, and don’t look ahead too much once you’re out in the open, close to the aid station. It will still feel forever away once you pop out of the trees near the top.
Most of the downhill from Flegere is very runnable but a few runners around me fell, so don’t lose focus on the rooty bits.
Enjoy that last kilometer through town, it feels like you’re floating on the crowd’s energy as it takes you onto the famous carpet under the finish arch.
Don’t forget your finisher’s vest in the finisher’s tent! I was so scared of puking on everyone at the end that I just wanted to go home and completely forgot mine. They had it the next day but it wasn’t easy to get.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
Have a better eating plan. I started out with 19 gels and 3 pre-filled bottles of Decathlon’s drink mix and that was the plan. I finished having eaten just 8 of the gels in 12 hours, and 6 of them were eaten in the first 3 hours, so it was a struggle to eat, to say the least. No backup plan, no thoughts about aid station food, just gels and drink mix. In hindsight, not my best planning.
I don’t think I’ll wear the long-sleeve sun shirt again, it felt hot on an already hot day and could have contributed to my overheating.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Be ready to change gears often, from runnable to technical, to douche grade to steep, lean into your poles grade.
Train for long ascents and descents with some steep sections.
The terrain that was the least runnable was in sections from Champex Lac to Trient and then Trient to Col de Balme, especially the second half to Col de Balme, where on paper it looks really runnable.
I found it hard to get a rhythm in those last several kilometers heading into Col de Balme, and I imagine a lot of people expected to be faster in that section.
If it’s hot, use all the water sources you can to cool off and use all the water fountains/troughs on the way into/out of town to cool off.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
One of the prettiest in the world. There’s a reason they have to keep coming up with different ways for people to get into this, because it’s a gorgeous place to run.
The picture below is near the spot where you come down from Col de Balme.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Very difficult. They say it’s 55km with 3,425 meters of gain, so 34 miles with over 11,200 feet of gain, equating to over 325 feet per mile. I found it hard to simulate that in training even with repeating 1500 foot climbs over and over again.
I didn’t think the terrain itself was crazy. The trails I train on in Portugal are made for mountain bikes, so they have lots of jumps, not much “flow” or consistency, lots of rocks and roots, and I found the OCC trails much more “predictable” because they’re hiking trails. There were sections that were a bit crazy, yes, but those were small sections in the entire race.
If you’re good at uphill power hiking, you can rock these climbs.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
I know UTMB has some issues with its qualifier races, but this week is dialed in. Shuttles were easy, on time, and while they were early (5am), it wasn’t crazy.
Packet pickup was quick and easy, you book a time slot. Book the earliest possible to avoid crowds.
The runners village is jam packed with gear and races, you could blow $1000s of dollars there, but they do it really well. Definitely worth a walk through your first time there!
Tracking was fantastic, family and friends can easily follow you online.
Pictures were plenty and available afterwards.
Tons of volunteers, medical staff, aid station helpers, etc.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
The best in the world.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
This could be another blog post. Yes, you run a qualifier race to collect stones and use those stones in a lottery. The more stones you collect, the higher your odds, and you need an ITRA index score to enter, which I believe you can get from running tons of races, not just a UTMB qualifier race.
For lodging, Chamonix Sud area is slightly cheaper and it’s easier to walk to the Grepon bus parking lot for the shuttle.
Book Chamonix lodging as soon as you are in via the lottery, or even before, then cancel if you don’t get in.
Grocery stores are small throughout town and packed to the brim with people. If you have a car, the Carrefour in Sallanches is massive and has everything you need #protip
Most grocery stores are closed on Sunday or only open a few hours. Plan for that!
You don’t need a car here. If you fly into Geneva, book a shuttle and then it’s easy to get around the valley for free on the bus/train with a card that your lodging is supposed to give you.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
Naak products, drink mix and waffles. I had wanted to try the waffles but my stomach went south before I tried anything.
Standard fare + cheeses! I didn’t try them but I loved that they had cheese.
I was also impressed how many medical people were available at aid stations and at the smaller, unmarked aid stations along the way.
Weather and typical race conditions
Late August in Chamonix is fairly unpredictable. Last year it snowed on the Monday of race week, so PTL and MCC started in the snow and TDS had a bitch of a start in the cold and mud as well at midnight Monday night. By Friday it was hot and sunny again for UTMB runners.
Be prepared with both the hot and cold kit.
This year was hot and we had to carry the hot weather kit, which is basically extra bottles.
While I was running, I didn’t think the heat was getting to me, but I think I was cooking without realizing it and my stomach had enough of it by 45k!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
There’s a required gear list and for OCC, it’s pretty tame compared to CCC and UTMB, who have to carry 2 headlamps + 2 backup batteries and a whole lot of other gear.
Hot weather kit is also pretty tame, extra bottles and a saharan cap, which I saw maybe 1 person wearing.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
It is! There isn’t an official spot they can crew you, but they can see you at Champex Lac (7.6km), Trient (24.3km), Le Tour (40km), Argentiere (45km) and obviously the finish. They can drive to all these locations, parking is limited but can be done.
I wouldn’t recommend them going to Champex Lac because it’s so early on and parking is very limited.
If they’re going to pick two spots, Trient and Le Tour or Trient and Argentiere. Le Tour doesn’t have any aid, it’s just a spot where you hit a gondola parking lot and have to cross over to the Balcon Nord trail before heading into Argentiere.
How’s the Swag?
UTMB hands out finisher’s vests to OCC, CCC and UTMB finishers, and they’re usually quite nice.
Before I ran this I always thought it was a little silly to walk around Chamonix the day after each race and see all the finishers in their vests, their chests puffed out a little prouder, but now that I have worked my ass off to finish one of these races, I can see why it’s so special to earn that vest. Even if you’re wearing it in 80 degree weather the next day.
The t-shirts are hit or miss each year in terms of colors and design, last year was a nice blue one for celebrating 20 years and this year was a dull orange, not my favorite but I’ll still wear it! Hoka branded.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5 out of 5. Absolutely worth the effort to earn the stones, put in the lottery, make the trip to Chamonix, pay up for lodging, and work your ass off around the mountain.
Chris Manwaring reaching East End Beach in Maine, completing the Sebago to the Sea Trail FKT route.
Gear – What did you bring?
Running vest (the Ultimate Direction FKT vest), old trail running shoes, 2 liters water with a water bottle filter, alongside general safety stuff.
Fuel – What did you consume and/or not consume?
My race nutrition consisted of PB&J sandwiches, GoGo squeeZ and Little Debbie Peanut Butter Creme Pies.
Logistics – What kind of planning was involved for both prep and implementation?
Some extra logistics are required since the event was point to point. For me, that meant leaving my car in the beach parking lot and getting a ride over to Sebago. The closest car access point is mile 1.4 on the trail, so I had to backtrack 1.4 miles to the start before officially starting the effort. Beforehand, I downloaded and studied the Sebago to the Sea Trail gpx file from the FKT page.
What went “right” or at least how you expected it to go?
I had a really great time out there on the Sebago to the Sea Trail! I kept a steady pace and moved well throughout. Fortunately, navigation was successful, especially with having the gpx file from the FKT site already downloaded onto my watch.
What went “wrong” or completely unexpected that you had to deal with?
Not necessarily something that went “wrong,” but I didn’t really believe (or fully understand?) the description of section 4 that talked about a 3.5 mile stretch of rugged railroad tracks. While rugged is a term I generally use to describe the trails in the Whites, this section was the most technical on the trail. The gaps between railroad ties did not match my running stride length and the somewhat level, really thin stretch of gravel beside the tracks was so choppy it turned into a power hike patch. (see picture to the left)
Lessons learned for either the next trip or another’s first trip?
I’m definitely glad I had the gpx file handy: the Sebago to the Sea Trail signage is inconsistent since much of this trail route is actually just a long path connecting several different trail systems. Also, apparently there is a healthy population of water snakes that like to hang out in the first two sections, but luckily I didn’t see them! Planning water refills is important: I had my BeFree filter and filtered water out of the Presumpscot River in Westbrook, then out of a feeder stream in the Oat Nuts Park area.
Everything else!
It was lots of fun out there! There is nothing quite like staggering through a nice neighborhood in Portland with over 26 miles on my legs squinting for the trail markers! On a more serious note, it was super cool to connect Sebago Lake with the Atlantic on one continuous footpath. There are some stretches of road miles but the route sticks to trails whenever it can.
Our latest Talk With the Experts featured an all star lineup of running parents -Team RunRun coaches CJ Albertson, Adam Frye, Julia Wiseman, Ashley Nordell- to talk about running and parenting and how they’re making it all fit; Team RunRunners and coaches can watch the replay here.
Running and family life can complement, and dare I say benefit, each other if approached with intentionality and good communication. Here are 6 tips from our coaches to help you do just that.
1. The Power of Communication:
Good communication with your partner about your running goals and family responsibilities is essential. By setting expectations and discussing what’s feasible as a family, you can find a running and parenting balance that works for everyone. Planning ahead of time becomes especially important before family vacations or busy seasons, ensuring that your running doesn’t become a source of stress.
Ruby Wyles’ younger sister cheering her on at a race.
Coupled with open communication and planning, the support of a partner who understands the importance of running for your physical and mental health, or a broader network of family and friends can make all the difference. As you ask for help from others, it’s worth considering ways you could reciprocate. Does your partner have a passion hobby you can support them in? If you have friends looking after your kids, is there a time when you can take care of their children?
Adam Frye: “I wouldn’t be able to do it without the support of my partner (and to some extent, grandparents). It’s important to reciprocate your partner’s support, making a plan so you each have time for your own interests.”
And Leveraging Support Systems:
Julia Wiseman: “My family is incredibly supportive of my running. My husband has often asked “aren’t you so glad you have found something that helps you so much mentally as well as physically?”. I think the most important aspect of running goals and family is communication. Knowing that running is a huge part of my mental health tool kit, my husband makes sure that I have the time and space to run. That said, when I know that a different “season” of family life is approaching, such as a family vacation or busy period, and I have a race or goal that I would like to pursue, I make sure that I tell my husband what my hopes and expectations are, as well as asking him what he thinks is feasible as a family. With good communication and planning we can usually find a great balance.”
2. Flexible Training with a Realistic Approach:
Parenting demands flexibility. Your training schedule may need to adapt to the ever-changing demands of family life. Coach Julia Wiseman’s mantra “running serves you, you don’t serve running” is a powerful reminder that your goals should fit within your current life circumstances. Set yourself up for success with running and parenting by realistically assessing your capacity for training before signing up for a race and/or committing to a structured plan, considering the time you have to train, as well as when and how you will fit it into daily life.
Some questions to ask yourself:
Will you get up early or workout late at night?
Coach Julia found that “shifting to running in the early morning felt like I was taking “margin” time and not “quality” time while I was running”. This has allowed her to get the training in without feeling like she was sacrificing family time and parenting responsibilities.
Can you fit in a session on your lunch break?
Do you have equipment at home? Or do you need to go to the gym and account for that commute time?
Do you have time for longer runs and workouts? Or do you need to break training down into shorter blocks (e.g. 20 to 40 minutes at a time)?
Adam Frye reiterates the importance of being realistic with what you can and cannot do: “you absolutely have made adjustments -e.g. shorter races, choosing events closer to home, decreasing training volume- as well as reflecting on your values and priorities as a parent versus athlete. Flexibility is key, as is avoiding letting perfect be the enemy of good: things will rarely (if ever) be ideal, and getting some training in is always better than none.”
3. Involving the Family in Your Running Journey:
Involving your family in your running routine not only makes training more enjoyable but also sets a healthy example for your kids. All of our coaches have found ways to do just that, allowing them to simultaneously combine running and parenting.
Julia Wiseman credits “running with the double stroller when my kids were toddlers” for “helping me get in the best shape of my life”. As they got older, their involvement changed: “we have participated in many races together, I currently coach their elementary cross country team”.
Similarly, stroller running and biking with a trailer allowed both Ashley Nordell and Adam Frye to successfully combine running and parenting. With Adam and his partner both being runners, they take it in turns to race or spectate on course with their children, as well as prioritizing opportunities for “being active together”. Ashley Nordell also adopts this approach, transforming races into family road trips. For her family “racing, or even just training, has allowed us to see so many amazing places” and make wonderful memories together.
TRR Coach Ashley Nordell balancing running and parenting by stroller running with her kids.
4. Running as a Tool for Better Parenting; Managing Guilt:
You can leverage running as a tool for better parenting, as well as physical activity. It’s unlikely to be a surprise to read that running helps you maintain mental clarity, patience, and overall well-being, but have you reflected on how that directly benefits your family? By prioritizing running, you’re not just taking care of yourself—you’re also investing in your ability to be a better parent.
Additionally, appreciating the importance of investing in your well-being can help negate the feelings of guilt about spending time running instead of with your family. Other tips for managing this guilt include asking yourself whether there are times when your kids are at school or daycare, occupied with their own supervised activities, or staying with friends or family when you can fit a run in without feeling like you’re missing out on time with them.
Ashley Nordell tries to get her “runs done at times when they don’t even notice” or involve her kids in the training to minimize the guilt she feels.
5. Role Modeling and Teaching Life Lessons Through Running:
Balancing running and parenting can position you as a powerful role model for your children. Watching you wake up early, commit to your goals, and then seamlessly transition into your role as a parent teaches them valuable lessons about the persistence and dedication required to succeed not just in running, but in life as a whole.
Julia Wiseman sees her running as a way to teach her kids that achieving “big goals takes hard work, consistency and commitment”, which are traits they can channel too.
Ruby Wyles’ youngest sister joined her sister and parents at a local race, earning her first medal!
Additionally, by sharing your love for running with them, you’re also role modeling the value of taking care of yourself and pursuing your own passions alongside supporting them in theirs.
Ashley Nordell hopes that “as my kids get bigger they can gain some takeaways from their experience with this sport. At the very least, I hope they see the love of getting outdoors. Even if my kids never enjoy running, I hope they gain from me comfort and confidence in being outdoors.”
This is a common thread between our coaches, all of them offering their children support in whatever they’re passionate about rather than channeling them into running themselves. For CJ Albertson, he just wants “them to be their own people and be driven to succeed in things simply because they choose to”.
6. Adapting Training to Different Seasons of Life:
Recognizing and adapting to the different seasons of life is crucial. As your children grow and their needs change, so too might your training schedule and goals. Being open to reevaluating your running objectives and maintaining flexibility based on your current family circumstances allows you to stay connected to both your personal aspirations and your family’s needs.
Even professional athlete and TRR Coach CJ Albertson acknowledges the disruption a heavy training load can be to family life: “For the most part, during peak marathon training and the school semester, family life just isn’t ideal. Because of this, I’m typically only in ‘peak’ training for 10-12 weeks twice a year, so the rest of the time I can devote energy to family life.”
With Ashley’s children being a little older and more independent, they’re “not as keen going to races or with me leaving for any big runs” so Ashley has had to adjust her relationship with running. “Lately, I have been opting for flatter courses over big mountain ultras because I can train for them right out of my door and they don’t take as long to complete”. During this season of life, Ashley is racing “a bit more intentionally: instead of half a dozen races or more in a year, I pick a few that matter to me”.
David Taylor weaving his way through narrow singletrack starting the Lakeland 100.
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Atmosphere – It is like a festival from the campsite to the actual course. There are over 2000 runners out on the course when the 50-mile race starts on Saturday morning. The aid stations are epic, run by organizations that are local to the race and each have their own themes. The race also has an overall theme each year – this year was Top Gun and people really went to town with it!
Scenery – Getting to run in such a stunning part of the country was a huge highlight.
Difficulty – I was looking for something to be able to push my limits and this was that event. A 40+% DNF rate tells you the story!
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
1. The 6 pm start time felt a little weird, which might just be me never before having started used a race at that time. 2. I knew this was going to be the case. but there are huge sections of the course that aren’t runnable, either because of rocks or bogs, or because you are stuck in a single file line (see above image). This meant that even when I had the energy to move up and go faster, I wasn’t able to. I suppose the challenging terrain is also part of the attraction, as well as being able to negotiate with my mind when things get tough.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
The 100-mile event started at 6 pm on Friday night, which is weird enough in itself, but then 50-mile race started at 11:30 am on Saturday morning. This resulted in a slightly strange concoction of haggard 100-mile competitors and (slightly) more fresh-faced 50-mile runners on the course together.
Runner finishing the Lakeland 100, a race with only a 50% finish rate!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
1. My fueling and hydration strategies seemed to work well. Early on I managed to identify and overcome a bit of dehydration, and the slower pace of the race meant that I was able to take food in and have it settle pretty well. In the final five miles I was able to overtake a lot of people, seeming to get a second wind at the 100-mile point. I think is due to my good nutrition throughout, although not something that I think I can test very often. 2. The friends you make on the course is always a highlight. During the Lakeland 100 there were some long, remote stretches, yet you always found someone at your pace that you can talk with, talk to or just listen. 3.Satisfaction from knowing the months of training have all led to this, to completing one of the UK’s toughest ultramarathons.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
1. Don’t skip the training, this event will find you out! 2. Avoid spending too long at the aid stations. The aid stations during this race are fantastic, and that just increases the temptation to stay for longer. 3. Get used to climbing with poles because a lot of this race (~70%) will be walking uphill with poles, so unless you are elite uphill runner, this is a crucial area to work on and get comfortable with ahead of race day.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
1. My fueling plan worked well for a race at this pace. I will continue to use the same strategy in future similar races. 2. I need to continue to practice using poles on long uphills. My shoulders were in bits at the end or the race likely due to a lack of conditioning. 3. Maintaining a strong mindset that doesn’t focus on trying to hit a certain goal time. There are so many factors outside your control that effect how fast or slow you’ll run, including weather and race conditions: instead, just do your best on the day.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
1. Checking the course out on the recce days is a huge help. I found that the bits that had recce’d felt just a little bit easier as I was able to mentally work out where I was, even in the dark. 2. Be aware, the Lake District weather can be VERY changeable. It can go from being very warm to very cold and rainy in the space of minutes. 3. The kit list is fairly extensive. Practice packing and running with the required race kit that you intend to use in the months and weeks prior to the race.
Runners enjoy spectacular views and beautiful trails throughout the Lakeland 100.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
The Lakeland 100 course is stunning, traversing through one of the most picturesque areas in the UK. During the race, you wind your way through several valleys, mountain passes and lakes. The only downside is that you will miss some of it as you will be running through at least one, but more likely two, nights. What you are rewarded with though is, cloud permitting, an amazing view of the night sky and the breathtaking sight of hundreds of head torches weaving their way along the course. It’s times like these that you simply have to take a moment and let the beauty sink in.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
In one word, yes, very! The terrain is pretty brutal from bogs to rocky paths. Although I am sure some of the elites were able to, I didn’t find a lot of the course that runnable at all. The course itself is actually 105 miles long and takes in over 21,000 feet of ascent.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Unbelievable organization: from the pre-race briefings and email series leading up to the event, to the very supportive Facebook group, 10/10!
The organization at the event is like a military machine: everyone knows their jobs and the administrative (and more boring tasks) are done efficiently and with a smile. This was the 17th running of the Lakeland 100 and it’s clear to see why with how professionally it’s run.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Yes – some of the best ultra runners in the country take part in this event.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
There is a ballot entry to the race that opens up for 48 hours at the beginning of September. The race is committed to hitting an even gender split among participants (which they achieved in the 50-mile race this year) so if you are a female with a qualifying race then you have a good chance of entry into the 100-mile race.
Once you are in the race, then it’s just a case of getting accommodation booked. Included in your entry is access to a campsite from 9 am on Friday morning till Sunday afternoon, although if you’re not a local or not planning on camping, you should probably look to book an extra night somewhere nearby as you will be pretty tired post race. There are plenty of other accommodations in the Lake District close by if camping isn’t your thing. We made the most of our trip to the Lake District and booked a holiday there the week of the race.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
The aid stations are a particular highlight of this course. Various clubs and groups ‘own’ an aid station and many have their own themes. This year it ranged from Harry Potter’s Hogwarts to Christmas, France to Jurassic Park and more!
There are 14 checkpoints along the route that are each stocked well with medical aid. Additionally, you have access to a drop bag at the 59 mile checkpoint.
The ‘menus’ at each of the aid stations are communicated in advance as part of the build up email series. I encourage you to take a look at this. (This is by far the best pre-race aid station information I’ve ever seen- other race directors take note!)
This Lakeland 100 aid station had a Christmas theme!
Weather and typical race conditions
Highly variable, hence the extensive kit list. There is usually rain at some point, which makes it quite boggy underfoot and your feet might be wet for large portions of the race, but then again it can also be very warm. The race taking place in the Lake District also means you might get all of the weather over the course of the weekend: be prepared for anything and everything!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
The kit list is fairly typical for a European event as long and difficult as this race is. Some might think it is too much -especially if you’re used to US races with minimal, if any, required gear- but with stories of people being injured on the fells and the wild weather it is not to be taken lightly.
There is a thorough kit check before the race starts. The full kit list can be found here.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
At some point yes, but not at many others. There are clear instructions about where your family and friends can come and support you and where they can’t. There is no outside assistance allowed, so family and friends can’t bring you anything out on the route, and if they do then it can result in disqualification. (Hugs are allowed though!)
How’s the Swag?
Ace! Finishers get a t-shirt and medal, along with a buff, stickers, dog tags (based around this years ‘Top Gun’ theme).
People that have completed the Lakeland 500 five times are welcomed into the 500 Legends club and awarded with a special 500 legends slate trophy. (After 17 years of the race there are still less than 100 Lakeland 500 Legends!)
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5/5! It’s a super tough race that is very popular because of the challenging course, fun themes and aid stations, and impeccable race organization. But be warned not to underestimate its difficulty- there’s a 50% drop out rate! If you have a qualifying race and you are up for the challenge, then this is one of those bucket list type of events that everyone capable should do!
David also reviewed his run at the Lakeland 100 on his West Coast Ultra Podcast which you can check out here.
Scotland running coach David Taylor specializes in trails and ultras for both beginner and intermediate runners, whether you’re just bumping up in distance or looking to improve your next trail race, David includes it all – training, nutrition, hydration, gear, etc, creating bespoke coaching for the mind and body to achieve your ultra dreams, working alongside your busy personal life.
Women’s winner Lindsey Anderson still smiling at the top of a tough summit during the Never Summer 100K. PC: Rosy Southwell
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
The alpine weather/conditions: I’m an athlete who specializes in gnarly environmental and weather conditions. Nothing fascinates me more than adapting to extremes. In late afternoon I was takings steps to avoid heat exhaustion, and then an hour later I was putting on all my layers as the sky turned deep grey, wind roared and hail pelted me. I love the unpredictability and sudden contrasts of high alpine running and this race delivered.
The technical terrain: I have a background in alpinism so I am a bit bias toward technical terrain. I really enjoy the process of having to make a decision with every step: Never Summer 100K delivered here too! I loved the calculations required to navigate aggressive inclines on nearly trail-less high tundra efficiently without being over-taxing. I was also completely enamored by the downhills and running over copious “rolly rocks” that threatened to twist my ankles if I mis-stepped… yeah, I have unusual tastes! The last 15 miles of the course are known to be comparably runnable, but the driving rain turned the trail into a sloppy slip and slide. Another technical element, mud, was added to the mix and I was stoked to use all the skills I learned while running Bighorn 100 last year. In short, the course kept me completely engaged throughout and there was never a dull moment.
The altitude: I enjoy the challenge of altitude. It not only makes aerobic activity more difficult, but it adds a layer of complexity to nutrition and hydration as well. Constant self-monitoring becomes imperative and I like needing that extra level of attentiveness.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Honestly nothing, this race was everything I could ask for in an event. Even the thunderstorm and hail added to the alpine ambience and made things more interesting.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
There was nothing that I would categorize as weird. That said, it was pretty unique to have a drummer welcome us to the summit of The Diamond though!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
Looking back, I am very happy with both my performance throughout the race and my execution of strategy. I attribute this to my willingness to adapt and be flexible during both the event and throughout the training process. It would not be an exaggeration to say that “adapt” was my mantra for the Never Summer 100K race! In addition, I found myself often referring back to other outings. Using years of mental archives gained from adventures and races (sometimes in a totally different environment) helped in my decision-making process on more than one occasion during this event.
Adapting began well before race day. When I registered for the Never Summer 100K race I planned on running competitively. However, June and July offered copious weather windows for big projects that I couldn’t resist! I found that my focus was on big mountain adventures that featured traveling unsupported ultra distances, extensive vert, technical climbing and/or little sleep. In between these excursions I trained for Never Summer 100K. This schedule did not prioritize rest/recovery and I was acutely aware that I would toe the line with built up cumulative fatigue even with a proper taper. Unwilling to cut back on big mountain projects, I adjusted my expectations for the Never Summer 100K race accordingly. Instead of racing, I committed myself to using this event as an opportunity to perfect my mountain race strategy and focus on learning.
Runners enjoy spectacular views and beautiful trails throughout Never Summer 100K.
Problem solving ahead of race day
I pride myself on being supremely organized… sometimes to a fault. Therefore, I was shocked to discover when I arrived at the race start that in the mayhem of leaving the house, my beloved UltrAspire Zygos vest, which also contained a great deal of my kit, had not made it into the car. Naturally I panicked. How was I going to run a race without most of my kit (which included a lot of required gear)? After about five minutes of alarm, I forced myself to think clearly and looked at a map. There was an REI two hours away so my husband and I jumped into the car and arrived an hour before store closing.
Together we gathered the gear and nutrition that had been left back home. I was grateful that I was able to find the items I needed. However, I knew the new vest would chafe and was too small to fit my puffy. I was also unsure how waterproof my new jacket was and wasn’t too crazy about the loop straps on the poles (typically I use the Leki shark system). I adjusted my mindset as we drove back to camp knowing that I would spend the next day breaking the cardinal rule of “nothing new during the race” and adapting further. Though I had done something incredibly imprudent, I was very happy with my ability to calm down quickly and solve the problem.
Race strategy and pacing
After about five hours of sleep and a hectic morning reorganizing all my new, untested gear, the race finally began. I placed myself in the front of the pack at the start, but when the group took off at an excited and speedy clip, I allowed myself to slide back especially when we reached the first big climb. Even though I wasn’t competing officially I still wanted to be deliberate and finish with a respectable time. I would gain nothing but fatigue by attempting to out climb those around me. Instead, I committed to being confident in my race plan and methodically climbed the rocky jeep road focusing on even breathing and efficiency instead of speed.
This sounds very simple, but in the heat of the moment, especially in the beginning miles of a race, it is often difficult to stick with personal strategy and ignore what the rest of the field was doing. In following my own plan and ignoring the field, a pattern developed over the first 50K of the race: I was passed on ascents by a group of about 10-15 runners and then on descents I would catch this same group. The lesson here is: trust yourself, know your strengths and capitalize.
I feel like a did well in this regard. Plus, not worrying about everyone else afforded me the opportunity to truly enjoy the spectacular beauty of the course as we passed glistening lakes and traversed high ridges with expansive views of the craggy peaks of the Never Summer Range. Sometimes I get so involved in the race process and wondering where I am in the field that I forget to look around me. I’m so grateful that didn’t happen this time!
Coping with the heat…
As I neared the Never Summer 100K race’s 50K aid station: Ruby Jewel, the air temperature began to rise. Here I took extra time at this aid station to consume additional electrolytes and calories, put ice in my shirt and liberally apply sunscreen. While running Cocodona 250, I learned that in certain circumstances an extra minute or two at an aid station can make you five minutes faster on the trail.
I backed off on my pace to account for the heat as I continued and noticed the rest of the pack was also making adjustments as the effects of the mid-afternoon sun took hold. The climb up to Clear Lake was especially arduous. At this high elevation it felt like the sun was parked about 3 feet from our heads. I diverged from the steady trudge of the pack and began to pause frequently at creeks to splash water on my face and dunk my forearms. This cost time, but it also kept heat exhaustion (which I am prone to) at bay. Another Cocodona 250 lesson applied.
And then storms and cold!
After descending from Clear Lake, the course took us down a jeep road overlooking the valley. From such a high vantage point incoming weather was extremely visible. Dark clouds were gathering and lightning darted out from the abyss. I could feel a gentle breeze cooling my skin as well and a sense of relief washing over me. We would indeed get the predicted evening thunderstorm! I’d been looking forward to it ever since the scorching sun began roasting me!
Running down the hill while watching the clouds gather with increasing intensity and listening to the wind move through the pines, it occurred to me that it was very likely that this electric storm would bring more than just rain. After getting caught in countless storms in the Rockies I knew hail was a very real possibility. I stopped in the trees sheltering from the blustery wind and put on my rain jacket. Literally as I was zipping it up thunder cracked overhead, any hint of blue sky vanished and the clouds released billions of pea sized ice missiles. I couldn’t help my smile. I was honestly getting a bit bored with the sunny weather and was excited for the new challenge. Plus, I finally no longer felt like I was in a convection oven!
I giddily skipped down the dirt road splashing through the mud. I’m pretty sure I was the only person with so much stoke for the storm. To be fair, most thunderstorms in the mountains are often short lived and I assumed this one would blow over in an hour or so. Then I’d dry off in the late day sun before nightfall.
However, this was not a fast and furious weather event. The rain along with the electricity continuously gathered in intensity. Trails turned into rivers and dust into sticky, sloppy mud. I didn’t mind the mud as I spent months training in every kind of mud in existence while preparing for Bighorn 100 so the techniques required were easy to fall back on. My biggest concern was hypothermia. The new jacket was not very waterproof and wetting about ridiculously fast.
About an hour into the storm, I began to realize that running was the only thing keeping me warm. Athletes gathered in trees hiding from the weather and avoiding open meadows as the storm dragged on. Making risk assessments and remaining steadfast in the mountains is something I do regularly while mountaineering or on unsupported missions. I knew my chances of hypothermia were about 100% if I stopped and my chance of being struck by lightning was much less. Therefore, I chose to sprint across the meadows, recover in the trees and repeat.
Turning challenge into opportunity
By the time I reached Canadian aid station at mile 51, I was cold. I originally planned to grab some food from my drop bag and take off. However, after a moment of reflection I decided to deviate from my normal aid station routine of “get in and get out.” I wasn’t hypothermic, but having I could tell that it wouldn’t take much to drive me over that edge. I also calculated that I was well ahead of cut-offs. If my goal was to finish without putting myself at risk of dropping due to the cold I believed my best option was to linger at the aid station and dry my gear.
I was acutely aware that if I had my larger vest with enough room for my puffy along with my tested waterproof rain jacket, I likely would not have needed to stop at Canadian. However, I also knew that dwelling on this information wouldn’t change anything. Instead, I concentrated on what I could control. I positioned myself by the heat lamp, got a space blanket, drank cups of broth and ate hot perogies.
Runners completing Never Summer 100K traverse all kinds of terrain and weather!
To DNF or not to DNF
As I sat focusing on getting back to equilibrium, I watched as haggard runners stumbled into the tent looking like they had gone to war. Many chose to drop and there was a near constant shuttle to take runners back to the warm community center at the start/finish. I pondered how nice it would be to not go back out there, but every time the aid station captain asked me what my plans were I told him I was going to continue. Simply being uncomfortable and tired does not fall under my personal criteria for dropping. After about forty-five minutes the rain stopped. I never got warm per say, but I did stop getting chills. Importantly, I felt confident that as long as I kept moving, I would retain enough heat to stay safe. I began to make departure preparations for the final 15 miles.
Camaraderie on the trails
Fortunately, I warmed up quickly as I trotted along under the cover of darkness splashing through the mud and creeks. I felt confident that spending extra time at Canadian was the right move. Besides, I was happy that I was willing to be flexible instead of stubbornly pressing on and getting hypothermia! As a bonus, the delay at Canadian meant I encountered another coach who turned out to be the most excellent running partner! We paced each other through the night and the miles clicked by as we swapped stories. Intentionally working together likely cut our time by 45-60 minutes. We crossed the Never Summer 100K race finish in just shy of 20 hours (by 2 seconds!).
I was reminded in this moment that ultras are set apart from other competitive sports due to the camaraderie out on the course, especially in the mid-back of the pack. If I had been racing the course instead of simply running, I likely would have missed out on that experience.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
I’m lucky to live and train at altitude. However, if you don’t live at altitude, it would be excellent to arrive two weeks prior to the event to acclimate. If this is not an option, arriving within 24 hours of the start might allow you to bypass the worst symptoms of the acclimation process. Also, if possible, I suggest traveling at least once to train at altitude in a camp format. Doing this will allow you to experience how your body responds to high elevation so it’s not such a surprise on race day. It will also afford you the opportunity to practice your nutrition and hydration technique for the race which often has variances from plans that work at lower elevations.
I’ve reviewed a lot of other points in depth in other sections of this report. In summary: -Be prepared for a large variety of weather conditions -The downhills can be as difficult as the ascents -The course is technical in a very real and continuous way -Prepare for steep grades
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
I will never, ever leave for an event or project without quadruple checking that 100% of my kit is in the car!
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Many athletes come into this race thinking that even though there is a ton of vert with steep grades they will be able to make up time on the downhill. This is only the case if the athlete is skilled at descending in terrain that is either extremely steep and/or extremely rocky. I heard many folks grumbling as they carefully picked their way downhill. You don’t necessarily need to be a highly accomplished technical downhill specialist to finish this course, but it is important to brace yourself mentally for possibly some slow descents. It’s easier to handle these sections if you anticipate the tedious downhills.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Yes! The course takes runners alongside multiple pristine lakes and traverses high alpine ridges with expansive vistas. Of course, you need to put in the work to get to these stunning locations! Nothing comes easy in these mountains.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
YES! I’ve run a lot of courses that were labeled technical and tough, but this really is! Maybe it’s my alpinist background, but none ever lived up to the hype…. until the Never Summer 100K race. This was the first course I’ve experienced that was technical to my standards. Steep and continuous inclines up to 40 degrees. No break on the downhills. Instead, there were plunging declines where feet threatened to slip out and /or lots of “rolly rocks” to twist ankles. Of course, the race is also at an average attitude of about 10,000ft and highlights extreme alpine weather. The last 15 or so miles are gentler, unless it rains like it did in my case. Then it’s a mud-fest to the finish!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Very organized! I was very impressed that Never Summer had required gear too. This is very unusual for a 100k in the USA. The aid station volunteers were well trained and tremendously attentive to the athletes on course. They knew how to take care of runners in the harsh alpine environment and went above and beyond to take extra time with those who were struggling.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Competitive for sure! Impressive times were put up and some elite athletes were present.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
The Never Summer 100K race did fill up, but not on the same day registration opened. You can choose to purchase dispersed camping at the race start when registering which is what I did. There are also established campsites in State Forest Park and the National Forest that can be reserved with some advanced planning. The closest motel is in Walden, CO, which is about 25 miles away. I would book early since there aren’t many rooms.
Coach Dandelion’s bib and her Never Summer 100K finisher award.
Weather and typical race conditions
This is a high alpine race in the Never Summer Mountains of Colorado, so anything and everything is possible weather wise. During this year’s event, the day began pleasantly sunny and transformed into blazing hot afternoon where heat illness was a very real possibility. Then, very abruptly, during early evening the sky went dark, wind picked up, temperature dropped and lightning lit up the sky. Pea sized hail followed by heavy rain bombarded us for hours and suddenly we were fighting hypothermic conditions. Experiencing all or some of these circumstances in a single day is standard in the region.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
As I mentioned previously, all the aid stations volunteers were exceedingly supportive and knowledgeable. Gnarly hydration drink mix and plain water was offered at the aid stations along with hammer gels, fruit, chips and other standard aid station fare. Later in the day and into the night aid stations offered hot options including pierogis, quesadillas, grilled cheese and broth.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
There is a required gear list for this race. In 2024 it consisted of a jacket, warm head covering, gloves, whistle, reusable cup, water capacity of at least 1 liter and illumination. I highly recommend that the jacket be a raincoat that has proven itself truly waterproof in the field. I would also suggest shoes that perform well in rocky terrain along with gaiters to keep out debris. Pack essentials that you will need for hot weather (sunscreen, brimmed hat, sun sleeves, sunglasses). Weather can swing abruptly, so it’s wise to also have cold gear either onboard or stowed in a drop bag (midlayer, handwarmers, foil bivvy, puffy). In short, be prepared for a variety of weather situations and note that high alpine forecasting is not always correct. It can still rain (or snow!) even if the prediction is sunny all day.
Finally, I encourage athletes to bring poles on this course. I never even stowed mine! Of course, practice using poles prior to the race on a variety of grades both up and downhill. It is equally important to learn to run holding the poles safely when not in use. Practice how to stow/deploy them while in motion and sort out how to access nutrition with the poles in hand.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Less so, except for the start/finish line which is family and friend friendly. Unfortunately, the rest of the course is more challenging to access along the dirt roads.
How’s the Swag?
Finishers of the Never Summer 100K race receive a really unique award of a log circle with the logo engraved into the wood. Runners also received a standard race shirt and had the option to purchase other swag like hats, hoodies and stickers.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
10/10. Never Summer 100K was a true technical mountain course in every way and I would love to journey through these mountains again!
Dandelion Dilluvio-Scott is a multisport outdoor athlete, ultra-runner and certified coach. She is passionate about collaborating with driven athletes who love to explore, train and play outside.
Jason Pohl crossing the finish line of the High Lonesome 100.
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
The views – Holy moly the views! As a runner, coach and lover of mountains, I know all race organizations promise a scenic event, but High Lonesome’s views of the spectacular ridge lines in the heart of 14ers country are hard to beat! You definitely pay the price of admission with the lung-busting climbs and quad-crushing descents, but the sunset views up high are enough to keep your mind detached from the pain and suffering your might be enduring.
The people – In an era increasingly dominated by corporate race organizations and ever-growing events, the High Lonesome team has done a remarkable job recruiting the best of the best who embody all that makes ultra/trail running unique. From Caleb, the race director, to the hundreds of volunteers, every single person I encountered was out there because they truly love the connection born on the trails. Many have run the race themselves, and the sense of “you get it” is palpable from the moment you walk into the gym for packet pickup until the final finisher crosses the line.
The ethos – A 50/50 gender split; a sense of responsibility to be good stewards of the land.; progressive policies around inclusion and growing our sport responsibly. High Lonesome — and the Freestone Endurance organization more broadly — has unlocked something truly special in the Sawatch.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
I’ve racked my brain and honestly can’t think of a single thing about the High Lonesome 100 that I’d change. It’s just that good.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Christmas music and decorative lights at Monarch Pass (mile 68) with aid station workers dressed like elves was a helluva thing to roll into in the middle of the night. The alien-themed aid station earlier in the day was pretty epic, too. (And no, I wasn’t hallucinating!) Did I mention the people involved in this event are amazing?
Jason Pohl smiling his way through High Lonesome 100.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
High Lonesome 100 was a bucket-list event for me. I lived in Colorado for many years and spent many weekends traipsing along these trails, mostly while hiking 14ers in the Collegiate Peaks area. My partner, Mel, and I even got engaged on nearby Mt. Princeton. So the idea of spending a day/night/day running and hiking along these trails was special. As it was my second attempt at a 100-miler, my primary goal was to finish. I didn’t have clear time goals in mind — I mostly wanted to soak in the views and adventure of it all: mission accomplished!
Nutrition and hydration
More than perhaps any other race, I nailed my hydration plan. It’s been my kryptonite for years, and a sweat test and some trial and error had me excited to test out a new approach that had me drinking more strategically. I felt things starting to go sideways a bit around mile 25, so I regrouped, doubled down on my electrolytes and adjusted my aid station plan to include a full extra bottle of electrolytes at every stop. That decision may have saved my day and pulled me out of the hydration spiral I felt was coming. While it meant a bit more time in aid stations, it was time well spent. (It also meant I was able to crack jokes with my all-star crew when I saw them at mile 49 — something that would have been out the question when I’d be out of my mind, dehydrated and delirious, by that point in previous events.)
The solid hydration plan fed right into my nutrition plan, which held together way longer than expected! I was able to take in some solid foods at every aid station — every single one, a big win for me. Maurten gels — which were available on course! — pulled me through the rest of the way. And a pair of caffeinated Maurtens were rocket fuel for the overnight section. I was definitely struggled to take gels by the end, but finding the energy to finish High Lonesome 100 was never in doubt.
All in all, adjusting my hydration on the fly and holding to my nutrition plan meant I had the energy and enthusiasm to really take in the spectacular views, making the race extra memorable.
Another memorable moment
I ran into the Blanks Cabin aid station (mile 84) at 5:59 a.m. No sooner did I show my crew my watch to boast about beating the 6 a.m. goal did an aid station worker walk up to me with a Nutella sandwich and a lit candle. Soon, the entire aid station was singing me Happy Birthday. My crew put them up to it, and that moment — and the delirious smile on my face — was truly something I won’t ever forget. (The sandwich was also delicious!)
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
I live in the Bay Area, aka sea level. Suffice to say, the long stretches in the middle of the High Lonesome course above 11,000 feet did not go unnoticed! At first, food stopped going down as easily. Then, water and electrolytes stopped sitting well. This was unusual for me — I’d done some training runs at altitude, but for relatively shorter and less-intense periods. This is a long way of saying: expect that the altitude will be a factor, fuel early, and focus on getting back down. (You will get down!) By the time I was on the back side of the course below 10,000 feet, my appetite came back and my body was again ready to roll. Well, sort of.
Which brings me to the other tip: save your legs for the final 50k! At this point, the course is super runnable fire road and non-technical single/double track trails that strong legs will make up a ton of time on. There are rolling uphills too, but the net downhill on this section can fly by in the cool overnight hours. Normally I’d hammer the downhills in training, but I’d been coming back from injury and intentionally avoided doing so. My quads felt it as a result and I lost a lot of time on that easier, cruisy section. I’d definitely advise practicing downhill running to harden the quads ahead of time.
One final piece of advice: never pass up an opportunity to howl at the full moon when alone on a ridge line at midnight! This was a mental boost I didn’t know I needed.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
While my nutrition strategy went better than expected, there’s always room for improvement. I need to work on deepening my bench for fueling options. When solids are impossible, go to liquids and gels. But when liquids and gels start to be an issues… I need to have some backup liquid and gel options to mix things up.
And as mentioned above, I would’ve benefitted from hammering some downhills harder in training and saving some legs for the final part of the course.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The section from Hancock to Monarch is every bit as difficult as the race organizers make it out to be. It’s high and it’s lonesome, dark, and rocky with long sections of pole-snapping, ankle-cracking talus. Even in the perfect conditions we had, it was definitely among the hardest sections of running I’ve ever experienced. In a thunderstorm — which we all expected and luckily didn’t come — this would be absolutely heinous. If you know all of this going in, you’ll be solid. But if you’ve underestimated it, or overestimated yourself, you may be in for a world of hurt!
Runners enjoy spectacular views and beautiful trails throughout High Lonesome 100.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Yes, very. High Lonesome 100 has 23,000 feet of climbing, much of it above 11,000 feet in elevation, and some very technical trail sections.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
I’ve never experienced a better-run event than High Lonesome 100. There were multiple pre-race video calls to talk about the course for runners. There was a pre-race video call dedicated to crews, who I think have a logistically harder day than the runners! The website is slick, the course packets are detailed, and the pre-race briefing is thorough. Caleb and crew clearly are dedicated to making the details work. The course was spectacularly well-marked. The start/finish zones were set. And, courtesy of Mountain Outpost, they even helped coordinate a video live stream that added a special sense of professionalism to the entire operation. 10/10.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Getting stronger! Some pros show up at the High Lonesome 100 every year, and the first women obliterated the course record this year.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
It’s a lottery that pulls the first week of January, so it’s tricky to get into. High Lonesome is unique in that it’s working to build a more equitable space in our sport, so the lottery is split 50/50 male/female. Logistically it is tricky in the sense that, while the town of Buena Vista has the basics and there’s tons of camping in the area, you’re still in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Start/finish camping is arranged by the race and there’s a fair number of AirBnB’s in the area 15 mins from the finish. It does fill up quick, so don’t wait!
High Lonesome 100 finisher buckle.
Weather and typical race conditions
There was a serious threat of major storms on the high country part of the course. Luckily, that shifted a few miles away and all I felt was a handful of raindrops and some big rumbles of thunder. (The start/finish line got deluged around midday though!) Otherwise, it’s Colorado in the summer, so thunderstorms typically percolate midday and fade away in the evening. The race organizers do an excellent job communicating this risk.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
The aid stations are great! Pancakes are a special treat at the aid stations, and I wish I could have stomached the breakfast burrito at Hancock! The backcountry pizza at Lost Wonder Hut was a pretty epic, and having Maurten gels on course made my race logistics much easier.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
There’s mandatory gear for the full High Lonesome 100 miler that includes a rain jacket and a bivvy. You also have to pick up your “pass gear” for the high country section at Cottonwood that includes pants, long sleeve shirt, beanie and a few other bits and bobs. While this gear definitely weighed down the pack, I can’t imagine being trapped in a storm without that gear.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Less so. The first main aid station (Hancock) is mile 49. It’s at 11,000 feet and up a pitted-out mining road that gets a bit dicey in the rain — and a lot bumpy in the dry. Subarus or higher clearance trucks make the drive fine, but it’s slow-going. Monarch aid station is off the highway but in the middle of the night is pretty darned cold. Lower down aid stations are few and far between and a bit challenging to reach, so unless your crew is a core part of your race plan, it’s probably best to have friends and family turn on the live stream and meet you at the finish.
How’s the Swag?
Pretty sweet! The classic 100 mile finisher’s buckle, Rabbit T-shirt, and a Laws Whiskey House bottle of whiskey with the High Lonesome engraving.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5/5. 10/10. 100/100. I absolutely recommend the High Lonesome 100 and can’t wait to go back!
Berkeley running coach Jason Pohl has raced both road marathons and trail ultramarathons. With a science-based approach to training and nutrition, and an understanding that life gets busy, he’s here to help you tackle your next big endurance goal — whether it’s a road race, a mountain ultra or a multi-day self-supported adventure.
Runner Elizabeth Butler enjoying her way through the 2024 Ouray 100 Mile. PC: Eszter Horanyi
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
The San Juan Mountains, where the race takes place, are beautiful.
The volunteers are the best! I struggled this race with an upset stomach, mental melt down. and chasing time cutoffs: the volunteers did all they could to help, they kept me in the fight.
Great bathrooms! The race begins and ends in Fellin Park in Ouray, CO, where there were good bathrooms and even showers for $4 at the pool in the park.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
The vert is legit, add to that the 8,000ft of altitude, and I couldn’t catch my breath and found it hard to digest food at the highest points.
The weather: there was lightning a couple times and we ran like hell for the tree line!
This race is this is no joke! You never get a rest, the pressure is always on. After getting through the first night, I had meltdown in the morning. Fortunately, the aid station medic was wonderful and helped calm me down and get my head on straight.
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Nothing unusual other than the ridiculous amount of vert -83,724 ft of elevation change to be precise- that’s comparable to 200 mile races!
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
The views were amazing throughout the Ouray 100 course, as were the volunteers. They kept me going, when I was close to failing.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Turn you body and mind (and gut!) into steel. Figure out how to fuel at altitude and troubleshoot an upset stomach.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
I need to get a better fueling strategy and practice blowing my guts up in training not on race day!
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
It’s a complicated and very challenging course: study the course well ahead of race day and train specifically for it. Ouray 100 is actually 102.1 miles and there’s 83,724 ft of elevation change! The 52 hour time cutoff is tough -only half the field finished this year!
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
It’s insanely pretty!
Runners pass by the stunningly beautiful Silver Basin, Lower Lake.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Ouray 100 is arguably the hardest 100 mile race in North America!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Absolutely dialed in! Everybody there were incredibly well prepared, and for a race this hard, it was perfectly done.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
So strong! Some of the best professional ultra trail runners in the US always show out.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Nothing atypical: just sign up and train your ass off! Ouray is a 7 hours drive from Denver, so you’ll need a car to get there, and then there are plenty of places to stay in Ouray.
Ouray 100 Mile finisher buckle.
Weather and typical race conditions
You’ve got to be prepared for a bit of everything: sun, hale, rain, lightning, wind! They’ll be mud and maybe even wild animals (though chances of wildlife encounters are very low).
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There are aid stations every 5-10 miles stocked with with your standard ultra fare: fruit, sweet snacks, salty snacks, water, sports drink, etc. All the aid stations except for the first two have hot food: burgers, hot dogs, quesadillas, soup, ramen, and grilled cheese. The aid stations at Ironton (miles 27.3, 35.4, and 43.6) and Fellin Park (miles 74.5, 84.8, 91.5, and the finish) have the best food. The race was sponsored by Hammer Nutrition, and on the course there were HEED (sports drink), Endurolytes (electrolyte tabs), Endurolytes Fizz (dissolvable tabs), and Hammer Gels.
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
I’d recommend bringing toilet paper, a water filter, and a head lamp is mandatory.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Not really, only the start, finish, and larger aid stations allowed spectators and crew.
How’s the Swag?
Every runners gets a shirt and a hat, but only finishers get a 100 mile belt buckle -only half of the field finished this year!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
Runner: Matt Urbanski (Team RunRun founder and coach)
Race Date: 06/29/2024
Location: Olympic Valley, CA, to Auburn, CA
Result: 22 hours 48 minutes, 72nd place overall
Strava link:Part 1Part 2 (You know it’s a long race when there are 2 Strava files!)
Matt still smiling at the finish of the Western States 100, showcasing his “funky button down finisher shirt”!
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
My crew. I had such a good time with my crew and my pacers. Getting so many of my favorite people together is the best!
The volunteers. The volunteer to runner ratio is amazing. I had people sponging me down with ice water at nearly every aid station!
The race vibe. It just feels like a special race, and everyone realizes that we’re all fortunate to be there doing this together.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
Even though I didn’t achieve my primary goals for the race, I stayed positive throughout. While the outcome was unsatisfying, I never despaired and I never gave up. I stayed positive and made the most of a situation that was not what I was planning or hoping for. I’m especially happy that I was able to enjoy the last 20 miles with my brother pacing me despite having to walk most of that.
My short sad story is that my left hip flexor started hurting 3.5 hours into the race. I was mentally ready to start feeling tired at this point and to not feel great by the 15 to 20 mile mark of the race, but the feeling in my hip was not fatigue but more acute pain. I stopped briefly, rubbed it out, and then finally took some ibuprofen (I usually save that for way later in the race!). From then on, I was able to run easily for a long while – thanks to Chris Harrington, I was able to latch on and get into a steady groove.
At that point, I still believed I was able to run low 18s or even sneak into the 17s. But the hip kept coming back. Me and my crew worked hard to solve it, and even from Foresthill to Green Gate my pacer, Teddy, and I were moving well. But once it got dark, my hip pain got to be too much (the darkness wasn’t the cause, just coincidence!) so Jeff and I tried a walk run strategy for a bit, but eventually I had to just walk. My energy level was fine, my mind was fine, but I couldn’t lift my left leg to run.
I went through some more rationale negativity – it didn’t have the depth of despair that I’ve felt in other disappointing ultras. But I talked seriously about not wanting to race anymore. I questioned whether I had the fire to keep doing these when I’ve had so many unsatisfying races over the past few years. The disappointment that comes with not reaching my potential made me question my desire to keep trying. But there was no doubt I would finish this race. I knew I could and would finish the Western States 100. And I was able to walk quickly in and walk the track in with my awesome friends!
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
If you don’t live at altitude, be prepared to feel the elevation in the first 30 miles.
It gets hot! Pre-race: heat train! Include sauna sessions and running when it’s hot. I did a lot of sauna sessions and think that it helped a lot. During the race: stay cool and keep wet! Wear a hat, use the ice available at aid stations, sponge yourself down with water and ice, keep hydrating often.
There are so many runnable sections on this course, so be patient and save your energy for the sections that fit your strengths. There was more single track than I anticipated, so be prepared, and train to run faster on narrow trails that aren’t totally smooth.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
I would do more workouts on single track trails, trying to make faster running on narrow trails feel easier.
Matt putting his single track trail skills to the test.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Break the Western States 100 into three main parts: 1. The High Country. It was less smooth than I was anticipating. It isn’t overly technical or difficult, but it’s also not smooth. There were a number of sections with baseball-sized rocks strewn around the trail that made it necessary to be more focused than I was expecting. Some sections were more overgrown or difficult to see than I was expecting. Additionally, the higher elevation is noticeable for someone coming from sea level, so I had to be extra cautious and patient while up high. 2. The Canyons. The steepest climbs and descents are in this section and it feels hottest here. The two bigger descents were more narrow single track with rocks than I remembered, and coupled with my aching hip flexor, I took this section way slower than I would have liked. The two big climbs are the only sections I really felt like I needed to hike. Poles (not allowed) would have been great here. 3. The rest of the course. The Cal Street section from Foresthill to the river was not as fast as I was expecting. There were lots of little rollers and single track that kept me from really getting going fast. We worked well through here and I’m happy with it, but it was slower than I was expecting. I liked the climb up from the river. There was a lot of runnable faster stuff in the last 20 miles of the course that I walked given my hip, but knowing that there is a lot of runnable stuff to finish is key. This is why conserving energy and staying patient is important: if you have legs, you can really fly the last 20 miles!
Summary: There was more single track and rocks than I was anticipating. That said, there were still plenty of fast and runnable dirt roads.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
It’s a great course with a lot of unique features. I loved the high country landscape, and I liked the canyons section – dry and sort of lonely – I wasn’t around a lot of runners during this section. Contrasted with the busy sections like the start, Michigan Bluff, Foresthill, and the finish, the mix of people and solitude was great! Another course highlight were the lovely sections by the river in the late afternoon/early evening light.
Looks are deceiving: don’t be fooled, Western States 100 is one of the most challenging races in the US!
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Definitely a tough course with unique elements! However, they’re all things that one could prepare for; they’re still difficult, but less so if you prepare.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
The best! This race is dialed in. The only negative I heard was from my crew in that the driving directions were less clear than they could have been. Simply providing a GPS waypoint for Google Maps would have been helpful opposed to the “turn left and then go east” sort of directions.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Undoubtedly! The Western States 100 is the most competitive and historic 100 miler in the US!
Matt still smiling at mile 62 coming through the Foresthill aid station.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
It’s not easy to get into the race as the field size is limited to only 375 runners. I started trying to get into the race in 2017 and finally got into the 2024 race – 8 years later!
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
There are 20 aid stations throughout the Western States 100, some allow crew and some don’t. The aid stations are great and stock a wide range of real food options including fresh fruit, trail mix, potato chips, candy, and more. I filled my bottles with GU Roctane Energy drink from the aid stations but otherwise used all my own gels. They had GU brand sports nutrition and I’m not a fan of GU. In hindsight, I would have taken the GU Chomps (chews) but I forgot about them and didn’t realize they were there until my brother grabbed some from the last aid station! I fueled mainly on Precision Fuel & Hydration gels, SiS Beta Fuel and Isotonic gels, along with some Skratch drink mix for electrolytes.
They had ice water and sponges at most aid stations. Some seemed to have some odd rules about runners not being allowed to touch the sponges themselves though. I wanted to just go for it and really douse myself but they often wouldn’t let me. But the service and the desire to help from the volunteers was huge and very felt amazing!
Weather and typical race conditions
Matt’s crew of Teddy Bross, Ruby Wyles and Jeff Urbanski at the start of the Western States 100.
Be prepared for it all! The race starts early in the high country, making it cool and sometimes (not this year though) snow on the grounds, which can be a big factor to be prepared for! The toughest conditions happen in the middle where it’s blazing hot – expect over 90 degrees, plus the direct sun and humidity makes it feel even worse. We had a moderate year where it maybe got to the high 80s/low 90s, but it was still hot!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
I wore a Naked Brand belt with two water bottles, Janji tight shorts with pockets for my gels, and a singlet with arm sleeves. Thankfully my crew had ice bandanas for me at aid stations which helped me stay cool.
I switched to wearing a Salomon ADV5 pack at Foresthill. My hip flexor on my left leg started giving me troubles 20 miles into the race and bothered me the rest of the day (I’m still not running 2 weeks post-race because it’s still messed up!). My crew thought that maybe it was the stress/pressure of the tight belt with the two bottles up near my front that could have been causing it, so I switched to a pack. The other advantage of the pack was that we filled the back part with ice for most of the remainder of the race.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
We split our crew into two for the first half. Crew 1 went from the start to Duncan Canyon and Dusty Corners, while Crew 2 went to Robinson Flat and Michigan Bluff. This worked out great for me, but it did make for a long and tiring day for my crew, wife and kids! From there on, I saw my crew at Foresthill and Pointed Rocks, and then again at Robie Point.
The fanfare and energy on the course was awesome! At the same time, there were long stretches where I saw no one, including runners. The race spread out surprisingly quickly!
How’s the Swag?
Really impressive: a Hoka backpack and slides, Goodr sunglasses, a new pair of socks. Nike were even giving away free trail shoes to all Western States 100 racers! The belt buckle for finishers is sweet, and they gave a funky button down shirt to all finishers when we crossed the line – the shirt was totally my style too!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
10 out of 10!
I’m bummed that I didn’t race well. I put a lot into training and I believed I could do more on race day. But I made the most of the day and will have good memories from it. The race itself is totally worth the hype and everyone should do it if they get the chance!
For more on the Western States Endurance Run, check out Matt’s pacer Teddy Bross’ own Western States 100 race report from his 2017 race.
Chris running the Hood to Coast: Red White & Blues 5km race
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
I loved running it with a great college friend.
Oregon is a great running state, and the running community there is vast and nice!
It wasn’t too far from my home, and was still a beautiful yet challenging course.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
The Red White & Blues 5km course crossed traffic in a few spots, and I ended up having to stop for a little bit for cars that didn’t want to stop. Also, a volunteer misdirected me about 200 meters the opposite way which made for some confusion and lost time.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
The hill in the middle is a tough hill! There were two hilly segments to be aware of: the first coming out of the park, and then the second coming from a main road, up through a neighborhood, back to the main course.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
Yes! Lots of trees and country scenery.
West Linn, OR, where the race takes place, is a beautiful and very green area.
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
Yes, it’s hilly!
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Organization can be improved! The volunteers were not the best, and sent runners the wrong way.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
Again, this could be better. There was only a few people that were within my abilities, but the women’s field was stronger.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Easy logistics, only a 35 minute drive from my home!
Weather and typical race conditions
70 degrees and sunny! Pretty perfect running conditions.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Very spectator friendly!
How’s the Swag?
Good swag: a nice Nike Dri Fit Shirt, free beer and hot dogs at the finish (for those 21+), and a medal.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
5/10. The Red White & Blues 5km is a great race for non-competitive runners, but less so for faster runners. Hood To Coast events definitely cater more towards casual runners, so I would not recommend for competitive racers.
Result: 2:41:17 (16th overall and 3rd in age group)
Richard running the Southside Scramble 22k
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
Such a beautiful course.
The way the route runs out on rail trails down to the river and comes back on a single track.
The small event feel given it was the first ever race on the southside trail, but I expect it to grow as people hear about it.
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Out of the race directors fault, but race day was the hottest day of the summer so far!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Age group awards were coasters.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
I executed my race as planned and finished well. The single track was most enjoyable for me.
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
Kind of obvious, but train on the trails.
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
I certainly needed more trail training!
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Carry your own water: it’s a cup-less race with only 3 aide stations to refill.
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
The course is amazingly beautiful!
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
It was tough for me given my lack of training on trails, but not too tough for a trail runner with more experience.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
It ran well, nice and smooth. The race director, Lynda, did a good job putting it together, and since the race was small, it was probably easier to organize.
Competition – Is there a strong field?
This race had a wide variety of runners of all abilities, from fast to slow, experienced runners to newbies. With three distances to choose from -22k, 14k, and 7k- there is an option for everyone.
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Despite it being a last minute race for me, the nuts and bolts were very easy and I had no issues.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
Standard but efficient, stocked with fruit, salty snacks, Heed electrolyte drink, and water.
Weather and typical race conditions
Take note, this race is in June in California. Race day was hot, 65 degrees at the start and 85 at the finish!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
Pretty simple: trail shoes, water, and a way to carry water.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Great spectators at the start and finish; the only other spot for spectators is at half way.
How’s the Swag?
Nice finisher metal, and getting a beach towel instead of shirt was neat. As I mentioned above, 1-2-3 in each age group received a custom award coaster, and 1-2-3 overall also got unique awards. Plus, runners were greeted by cold drinks, snacks, and BBQ hotdogs at the finish line.
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
4 stars: I highly recommend the Southside Scramble!
Result:Overall:99 DP:20 finishing in 4 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, and 27 seconds!
3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?
1. My Crew
Ultras are a team effort at any distance. However, I think the 200+ mile length amplifies this concept. Putting together a reliable crew that I 100% trusted to make decisions for me and would also work well together took a great deal of planning. Crewing is arguably more difficult than racing in many ways and not many individuals are willing to give up days of their time to follow a sweaty, dirty, smelly runner through the desert. My team consisted of outdoor athletes of various personality types who all brought a unique skill and/or outlook to the table. It is this diversity that made the team so remarkable. I loved that Cocodona 250 gave me the opportunity to spend so much time with this truly outstanding and gifted group of athletes. Without the people listed below I am convinced I would not have crossed the finish line: 1. Damien: husband, multisport mountain athlete, “the nice one” 2. Luke: friend, crusher ultra-runner, “the drill sergeant one” 3. Jess: friend, climber, endurance rider, RD for City of Rocks Ultra, “the dependable one” 4. Byron: friend, climber, RD for City of Rocks Ultra, coach-to-17-mile pacer, “the chill one” 5. Zack: friend, multisport desert athlete, brand rep for my sponsor UltrAspire, “the fun one”
2. Strategy
All ultras involve strategy, but I think that a really strong athlete can use fitness to override poor tactics to some extent. However, in a 200+ I would make the argument that fitness cannot override a poorly executed plan. The longer the time and distance the more chances there are for things to go wrong. It becomes a game of efficiency and the ability to solve small problems before they become monumental issues is critical. Additionally, there is no playbook or formula for the 200+ mile distance. We are still learning the best way to pull off this milage as a community which makes creating a personal strategy even more exciting! So much beauty in the unknown!
3. AZ Desert
I really enjoy races that are of out my out of my comfort zone (alpine desert, slickrock and high mountains). These events offer the best learning experiences! I was intrigued by Cocodona 250 not only because it was a new distance for me, but because the unique environment of the race. Outside of running the Black Canyon 100K, I was not as familiar with the terrain and climate of the Arizona desert prior to running Cocodona 250. I loved learning to move through the novel landscape leading to Sedona and reaching the familiar alpine ecosystem in Flagstaff toward the end of the race when I was most tired!
Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you
Honestly, I cannot come up with anything about Cocodona 250 that I disliked. Sure, I wasn’t a fan of sleep deprivation, but no one signs up for a 200+ miler thinking that they won’t get tired! It’s part of the excitement!
Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?
Nothing weird per say. However, it’s interesting to observe other racers’ tactics. Strategy is huge during 200s and, since there is no standard, the techniques folks use are wildly varied! Only taking two 20min naps… raw milk… jester costumes… watermelon dipped in pickle juice… the list goes on!
Dandelion hiking up a steep section of Cocodona 250.
Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?
Day 1 of Cocodona 250 is known as The Crux. The first 38 miles ascends over 10,000ft of rugged, rocky vert in full exposure of the sun. In fact, this section is so difficult that there is a 19-hour cut off! It is what makes or breaks the race for many athletes; the highest DNF rate is the first day. With slightly cooler temperatures than normal, I suspected that the race would begin briskly. I knew I needed to resist the desire to compete during this section. I would have to focus entirely on measured breathing, efficiency and keeping my pace in check. Out of the gate I was with the top women, but let myself drift back slightly and congratulated myself for not getting swept up in the mayhem. No need to be in the front in the first mile of a 200+!
Early miles in tough conditions
Throughout the section, I kept waiting for the “hard” part. Yes, there was a ton of climbing on loose rock, but as an alpinist I’m accustomed to talus and vert. Yes, it was sunny and hot, but my pace seemed to follow a lot of the shade and there was a delightful breeze. I carried five liters of water from Cottonwood Aid and sipped the fluid diligently. In the wind I wasn’t sweating much, but I knew I was still losing moisture. I also kept eating along the way, even if I wasn’t quite hungry. At Milk Creek I followed my coach’s sage advice and sat in the water for a moment to cool down and reset myself even though I wasn’t overly hot. This was preventative. I felt cool and refreshed over the next few miles! At Lane Mountain Aid I stopped again and had ice put in my sleeves and freezing water poured over my head. Again, preventative. I never cared how many people passed me, knowing I was doing what I needed to endure not just the moment, but the days ahead. Sticking to my schedule, and utilizing my strengths, I didn’t worry about the pack, and gradually worked my way up. I was competing by following what I thought would work for me long term. For this reason, I believe that the crux of the race was one of my best executed segments.
The lowest low
As you will read in the next sections, my sleep strategy derailed my body’s equilibrium and resulted in a scary episode of heat exhaustion on my way to Sedona. In short, my body stopped regulating temperature and I found myself shivering in 80-degree weather! My pacer put me in in the shade wearing my puffy and pants at a water station to take a dirt nap. In my daze I heard him talking to a volunteer about my state and asking if there was a medic (there wasn’t one). My thought process was: “This sucks. It would be really nice to get medically pulled from the race. I mean, that’s not the same a quitting, right? Medically pulled is for my safety so it’s a legit reason…. NO! You’re not in rough enough shape to be medically pulled. Remember when your coach made up back pain last year hoping to be medically pulled because it sounded better than quitting? Then he didn’t quit… instead he got the course record! You’re not going to use this setback as a reason to drop. You started this and you are going to finish this, so get it together and figure out a way to move forward even if you have to crawl.”
Turning it around
Looking back, I am really proud of myself for recognizing that I was in an unpleasant situation, allowing a brief indulgence of considering a medical pull and then seconds later dismissing those thoughts and focusing on problem resolution. When I began running ultras it was about finishing and not racing. The competitive edge came later in my running journey as a way to add another layer of challenge and encourage me to push my limits further. However, getting to the finish line remains my number one objective in events. If I am not performing as I hoped in a race, I would much rather shuffle along the course at ½ mph and time out than drop. I am stoked that I maintained my “I ain’t no quitter” attitude when I experienced the lowest low of my ultra running career. I was also pleased that I let go of podiuming or top ten women very easily. The transition happened seamlessly in my head and I never once felt disheartened by the goal adjustment. I was still in the race, after all!
I bounced back from the heat exhaustion and enjoyed a fun day in the desert with my pacers and crew! The next night was rough on me again though. This time my body didn’t tolerate cold well which was extra frustrating because I am a snow runner! Plus, everything just plain hurt! My husband was pacing me for this section and knew exactly how to make this frustration morph from exasperation, to anger to warrior mode. At Walnut Canyon, the last crewed aid station, I took a 1.5-hour nap. Despite waking up feeling hungover, I was very aware that I needed to get it together for the final 22 miles. I asked for five minutes alone to dig the warrior mode back up, before merrily trotted out of the aid station with my pacer, Luke, feeling confident. I was an alpinist about to climb Mount Elden! We ran the final 22 miles of Cocodona 250 methodically and playfully. I’m really happy I was able to ascend Elden with good climber style and pull off a strong finish at a full run on the fifth day of the race. It seemed that every time I thought I had nothing left along the course I was always able to find a new level of grit… with the help of my crew of course!
Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner
— Having a crew and pacers you trust is critical: Every decision takes energy and, at some point, there will not be much energy to spare during the race! If you trust your team, you can let go so they can make decisions for you. This frees up mental energy so you can focus on deciding to place one foot in front of the other…over and over and over again!
— Plan in advance: My planning process for Cocodona 250 actually began 2 years prior to my race. I am absolutely of the extreme sort and really enjoy long term projects to obsess over! For most folks I think a year is sufficient to figure out an overall training strategy, plan training camps, test gear, find crew/pacers, plot logistics, organize your fuel/hydration, etc.
— Make it easy for the crew: Your crew is going to be working vigilantly and non-stop to support you. Make their lives as easy as possible by organizing and labeling your gear well. Provide them with charts and checklists to help them best help you. I had an entire binder of information with different tabs for easy navigation! Have a zoom meeting to discuss ideas and tactics beforehand to make aid station visits more efficient. Remember that you are not their boss. I believe that the effort is a collaboration and everyone’s ideas should be heard! Afterall, you chose these people because they have something to bring to the table and you trust them. Oh, and THANK them profusely for being willing to follow your cranky self around for a week!
— Finances: The race entry fee is around $1500… and it’s probably the least expensive part of Cocodona 250! The cost of nutrition, electrolytes, transportation, lodging, a desert kit, training camps and crew gear adds up in a hurry. I was still ordering more gels a week out from the race!
Lessons you learned that will help you next time around
This race taught me a great deal about the side effects of sleep deprivation. I didn’t want to wait and sleep until the second night of the race, but I wasn’t convinced that I would be able to sleep the first night either. I love 100-milers and have never had a problem staying up all night for a race of that distance. My coach and I decided that if I could fall asleep the first night I should. Otherwise, I would sleep in the car sometime on day 2. When I arrived at Whiskey Row late on day 1 I wasn’t tired, so I pressed on into sunrise. I attempted sleep at Iron King, but couldn’t so again continued. I ended up finally falling asleep for an hour at Fain Ranch at around mile 100 of Cocodona 250.
Conditions taking hold
Even though I normally tolerate heat decently and had also done a sauna protocol, the sun exposure slowed me down on the climb up to Mingus. I believe fatigue made my body less resilient to environmental factors. Still, I was able to eat and drink normally…. Or not so normally (I consumed three plates of lasagna at Mingus!). I began sleep walking just after Jerome and slept for an hour at Deadhorse before heading back out around sunrise. It was here that I should have taken a least a two- or three-hour nap. Trekking through the hot, exposed section of the course near Sedona my body finally decided to that was unhappy with a few brief dirt naps and two 2-hour sleeps and rebelled.
Crisis point
The growing sleep deficient plus general body fatigue completely obliterated my body’s ability to maintain equilibrium. I could only take tiny sips of fluid. All my fuel made me want to hurl. Most concerning, it was over 80F and I started to shiver leading me to put on pants and a puffy for a while. My pacer was extremely attentive and we made a joint decision to wait in the shade for an hour. When the temperature dropped in early evening, I would be able to move faster and get to the next aid station with less stress on my body. I was taken off course to a dispersed campsite and informed that I was going to sleep for 6-7 hours at the Sedona aid station. Mingus to Sedona is where I stopped racing and began surviving.
Learning from the lows
I am convinced that my sleep strategy is what led to heat exhaustion and me sliding from the front to the middle of the pack. It’s easy to focus on the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” after a race. However, the reality is that, without previous 200+ experience, my sleep plan was an educated guess. Hindsight is always 20/20! In the future, I would for sure choose to sleep for 2-3 hours earlier in the race, rather than crash and need to hibernate for 7 hours later on. An hour here and there wasn’t the way to go for me.
Dandelion taking a dirt nap during Cocodona 250.
Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race
Do not rush on day 1. The first 37-50 miles are by far the crux of the race and features over a quarter of the vert! Also, if things go wrong don’t give up. Take the time to reset. The nice thing about 200s is that you almost always have time to recover and try again!
Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?
One of the unique and amazing things about the Cocodona 250 course is that it travels through so many different ecosystems: from the desert of Phoenix to the high altitude, mountain town of Flagstaff. Running through these different environments and witnessing the subtle changes in gradual progression was an amazing experience. There is diverse beauty in every section of this course!
Difficulty – Is it a tough course?
YES! The 250-mile distance is within itself difficult. On top of that the race requires athletes to have a variety of different skill sets. The ability to tackle huge ascents, rocky terrain, technical downhills, rolling and runnable trails, heat and sun exposure, as well as cold tolerance are all requirements. Athletes must also carefully monitor their bodies so they get the right amount of fuel, hydration, temperature and sleep during their time on the course. There are a lot of moving parts and it’s very easy for a small problem to become a massive one over this distance.
Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?
Cocodona 250 is run by Aravaipa Running, an incredibly well regarded and professional organization. All Aravaipa events are outstanding, and everything was completely dialed in for this race!
Competition – Is there a strong field?
The men’s field was outrageously strong this year with all three of the first-place male finishers from the race’s inception competing along with some other highly notable elite level men. The women’s field wasn’t as deep, but it was still extremely competitive. Each year Cocodona 250 seems to attract an increasing number of big names from the ultra world!
Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.
Registration was possible until about March in 2024. Registration for Cocodona 250, the 2025 edition, filled 10 days after the 2024 race ended! I’m unsure about hotels as I always camp, but Flagstaff and Phoenix are large cities and I suspect they always have some space available. Regardless, I think it makes sense to get things rolling for this race sooner rather than later because of all the planning that goes into executing a 200+ miler.
Aid Stations – Standard fare or anything special to know about the aid stations in terms of what’s available or when?
In the first 38 miles two water stations have a 1-liter water limit. This is one of the hottest sections of the course and athletes must have the ability to carry 4 liters for this section. I recommend carrying the 4 liters and restocking with the 1-liter allowance at these stations. You’ll want all that fluid! Otherwise, aid stations have all the normal staples –PB&J sandwiches, pretzels, chips, trail mix, candy, Oreos, pickles, cooked potatoes, granola bars, bananas, watermelon, gels– and most aid stations also had a hot “meal” option, especially later in the race. The hot options were mostly on the bland side which I appreciated. I wouldn’t have been able to tolerate high flavor that far into the race: I just needed fuel!
Weather and typical race conditions
It was a cooler year by normal standards for Cocodona 250. However, it is still the desert! In other words, the temperature soared during the day and plummeted at night!
Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next runner?
During the day, I recommend wearing light colors and reducing sun exposure. This does not mean simply putting on lots of sunscreen! Think about wearing a large brimmed hat along with arm and/or leg sleeves to help limiting exposure. At night, things can really chill down and fatigue amplifies how cold you feel. A warm puffy jacket, gloves, pants, and hand warmers will help you stay cozy. Also, wear your bivy if you’re cold! Headlamps are a must: I prefer a waist light like the UltrAspire Lumen 850 or 600 over a headlamp. In my opinion, these lamps cast more light and give better contrast to the terrain than a headlamp. Don’t make navigating the course more challenging when you’re already exhausted! Finally, I like to use gaiters in the desert to protect from the plants and keep out the sand.
Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?
Some aid stations were spectator friendly, but it is highly important that you read the rules regarding aid stations and parking to avoid getting DQ’ed!
How’s the Swag?
10/10! This might be the most swag I ever received at an ultra, and all products were high quality! Items included: backpack, tech shirt, sweat shirt, Flagstaff drink vouchers, Naak bar, Satisfy Hat, Spring Energy gel, and I’m sure I’m forgetting some things! Plus, of course, there’s a rad buckle!
The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?
Yes, I highly recommend this race to others who are willing to put in the time training and planning! 10/10!
Dandelion Dilluvio-Scott is a Lander-based coach with Team RunRun. She is a multisport outdoor athlete, ultra-runner, and certified coach who loves collaborating with driven athletes who love to explore, train, and play outside.
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