Chuckanut 50k Race Report – Frank Fisher

Race: Chuckanut 50k

Runner: Frank Fisher

Date: 3/17/2018

Location: Bellingham, WA

Results: Placed 88, 5:12:39

Strava Activity Link:

3 Bests – What aspects of the race did you like the most?

The course was awesome, the weather was perfect, and one of the most fun race environments I’ve seen. The race staff and volunteers were great, and lots of spectators on the course made it more fun.

Not so much – Aspects of the race that didn’t do it for you

I thought the finish area was a little weird. I could’ve missed it, but it would have been nice to have water and whatnot easily accessible. Someone did bring me the tail end of a 3 liter of Coke, which was appreciated.

Weird factor – What’s the weirdest thing about this race?

The aid station that “wasn’t really there.”

Highlights of your race – What did you do well and enjoy about your race in particular?

I thought I ran pretty well on the day. My prep for the race was spot on, and I felt solid all day. Climbs were good, and had plenty left for Chinscraper and the finish.

Lessons for others – Share your pro-tips on the race to help the next runner

Get used to having a tough climb late in the race, and be ready for flat running after a long downhill. Smart pacing at the front end of the race will be important late.

Lessons you learned that will help you next time around

Don’t drink too much. I over filled my stomach late in the race and paid for it a little in the last 3 miles.

Most important course specific knowledge to know about the race

Chinscraper comes later than you think, the final downhill isn’t that bad, but the last 6 miles can be tough if you overdo it early.

Be ready for some technical running on the ridge around mile 15, stay focused and watch your footing.

Aesthetics – Is it a pretty course?

Really pretty course, so many points along the way to slow down and take in.

Difficulty – Is it a tough course?

As far as mountain races go, I didn’t think it was terrible. It’s quite runnable with a few good sustained climbs, and one technical section. It will definitely keep you honest.

Organized and well run – Did it feel like a well-oiled machine or were they flying by the seat of their pants?

Race staff did a fantastic job top to bottom. Very well run!

Competition – Is there a strong field?

Yes, and this is what makes this race all the more challenging. Lots of good runners from all over, and a solid pro field.

Logistics – Does it require a special handshake, registration a year in advance, hotels all booked? Give us the low down on the nuts and bolts of making the race happen.

Check when registration opens and set an alarm well in advanced. Its a high demand race and deservedly do. Hotels are easy to book, and didn’t seem to be gouging on race weekend.

Aid Stations


Weather and typical race conditions

This might have been a special year weather wise, sunny and low 50’s. I think it’s usually rainy muddy PNW weather.

Gear – Did you need anything special or is there anything you’d recommend for the next guy?

Plenty of aid stations, you can run this with just a water bottle if you’d like.

Spectators – Is this a friendly course for your friends?

Yes, lots of spectators along the course.

The Overall Score – How many stars do you give this race and do you recommend that others run it?

5 stars, must do race!