Should I Rotate my Running Shoes?

There are myriad reasons to build a strong shoe rotation. Today Team RunRun Coach Miles Bennett-Smith dives into why you should consider building up your shoe collection. While many runners might overlook the importance of shoe rotation, it’s a strategy that can yield numerous benefits. From extending the lifespan of your shoes to preventing injuries and enhancing your training outcomes, let’s delve into the compelling reasons why you should consider rotating your running shoes.

Maximize Shoe Longevity (Save $)

Running shoes undergo significant wear and tear during your runs. Most high-quality daily trainers (and even perhaps the newer generations of SuperShoes) should last between 300-500 miles. But by rotating between multiple pairs of shoes, you give each pair ample time to recover and regain their cushioning properties. This reduces the risk of compression and breakdown of the midsole foam, extending the overall lifespan of your shoes. Longer lasting shoes = more $$ in your pocket to spend on sweet singlets and split shorts.

P.S. – Rotating your shoes allows them to dry out properly between runs, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and odor. This is especially relevant if you frequently run in wet or humid conditions.

Training Adaptability

Different training sessions have varying demands. A long, slow-distance run requires different shoe attributes compared to speed workouts or hill training – weight, foam, energy return, carbon plate, etc. And tailoring a session to the proper shoe can allow your body to avoid adapting to a specific type of shoe over time, which may lessen the benefits it initially provided. It’s possible that running every day in SuperShoes, for example, might be saving your calf muscles in particular from working extra hard – that might be great in terms of feel and freshness, but you might also want to be putting your calves under more stress in order to build strength. 

Rotation is aimed at optimizing overall muscle strength and balance, contributing to improved running efficiency and reducing the likelihood of muscle imbalances. You should be putting on a pair that’s really well-suited for the day’s training goal, optimizing your performance and comfort even if you only have two different pairs. 

Injury Prevention

Repeatedly wearing the same pair of shoes can lead to overuse injuries. Different shoes have varying levels of support, cushioning, and stability, which can alter your running gait, engaging different muscle groups. By rotating between shoes with different features, you can distribute the impact forces differently, reducing the risk of overloading specific muscles or joints. This practice can be particularly helpful if you’re prone to issues like shin splints or plantar fasciitis. Of all the reasons to consider if you should rotate your running shoes, this may be the most compelling because staying healthy equals more time running, equals greater adaptations (and fun!) over time.

The practice of rotating your running shoes offers a multitude of benefits that can elevate your running experience and performance. Even a beginner runner can benefit from extending the lifespan of your shoes, preventing injuries, varying muscle activation, and adapting to different training sessions – you’re setting the stage for a more holistic and effective training journey.

This article is brought to you by Coach Miles Bennett-Smith and this is one of many of his articles on running shoes. To learn more or to consider working with Miles as your running coach, check out his profile on Team RunRun and stay tuned for the last installment of our footwear series coming soon.