Glute Activation Routine for Runners

For me, the days of being able to roll out of bed, lace up my shoes, and head out the door for a run are long gone. The more experienced I get, the more I understand the importance of a good pre-run warm-up routine. I tell myself and my clients that the best way to get better at running is by consistently stringing together days, weeks, and months of training. In order to do that, we need to stay injury-free. This simple pre-run glute activation routine helps me, and hopefully you too, do just that.

What is glute activation?

Think of glute activation as simply “waking up” the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles. Relying too heavily on your calves and quads when running can lead to tightness in those muscles which, in turn, may lead to shin and knee pain. I have had many runners come to me with complaints of lower leg injuries, and adding glute activation exercises into their pre-run routine has often remedied their pain. By activating the glutes, you’re creating a mind-muscle connection that helps “remind” your brain and body to use them to power your running gait. 

As you continue to do the exercises below, you might find that you are gaining glute strength and need to upgrade to a heavier resistance band. That said, building strength isn’t the main goal here. Rather, the goal is to simply “wake up” the glutes before you head out the door.

Pre-Run Glute Activation Routine:

For each of these five exercises, you will place a resistance band just above your knees. Pick a strength band that presents a challenge but still allows you to complete the right amount of repetitions for each exercise with the proper form.

Side Steps

Exercise #1: side steps

Volume: 8-10 steps in each direction

Description: Get in a half squat/athletic stance position for these. Take small, slow, and controlled steps sideways keeping tension on the band. 

Clam Shells

Glute activation exercise #2: clam shells

Volume: 20 reps on each side

Description: Lie on your side with your knees bent at about a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet together and open your knees increasing the tension on the band. Go slowly on these, making sure you are feeling the glute activation. 


Exercise #3: bridges

Volume: 20 reps

Description: Lie on your back with your feet planted on the ground about 12 inches away from your butt. Separate your feet so there is slight tension on the band and keep your heels on the ground. Drive your hips up and pause for 1 to 2 seconds, return to the ground, and repeat. Keep your knees apart with tension on the band the entire time.

Kick Backs

Glute activation exercise #4: kick backs

Volume: 10 reps for each leg

Description: Go onto your hands and knees, engage your core, and drive one leg back pushing your heel up to the sky, pause for 1 to 2 seconds, and return your knee to the ground. Repeat for 10 repetitions, then switch to the other leg.

Fire Hydrants

Glute activation exercise #5: fire hydrants

Volume: 10 reps for each leg

Duration: On your hands and knees, lift one leg out to the side with your knee still bent, pause for 1 to 2 seconds, and return to the starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions, then switch to the other leg.

Final notes on glute activation for runners 

Take the extra step this week and try out this glute activation routine for runners daily. Being intentional and warming up properly could make a difference in your ability to stay healthy and train consistently! Pair this glute activation routine with your coach’s training plan and you will be on your way to healthy and happy running.

Evan Covell is a Team RunRun coach based in Santa Barbara. Evan focuses on consistency, patience and kindness as he helps athletes achieve their goals while building strength, mobility and injury prevention on both the roads and the track.